Page 118 of Followed By the Dark

"I still can't believe that Mara is…was?"—she scans my face—"her sister."

I ignore the unspoken question. Whatever happens to Mara or has already happened is nothing I will lose sleep over. She doesn't deserve anyone's empathy, least of all Denielle's or Lilly's.

"You and Lilly will help each other heal. You are her sister. Blood doesn't define family."

Denielle curls farther into me, her eyes drooping. "You're right. Let's go home."

I place a kiss on her head. "Home."



Two weekslater

I wakeup to the incessant buzzing of my phone on the nightstand.

"Baby, if you don't turn that off, your phone will learn to fly—or better, swim." Marcus's groggy threat is muffled by a pillow. Marcus was on third shift and didn't get to bed until an hour and a half ago.

I chuckle. A flutter in my stomach replaces the emptiness trying to pull me under every time I leave the blissful void of sleep. Each morning since leaving the warehouse, it takes me several breaths to remember that the nightmare is over. I am safe.

Everything is healing nicely. Between Lilly's physician and Jenn'smedic,who keeps checking on me daily, I am cared for better than in a hospital.

It also helps that Marcus waits on me hand and foot.Two days after returning home, he announced that I would no longer live in my room in the main house. Marcus was permanently moved into the guesthouse, and a few hours later, he, Ethan, and Rhys had carried my belongings across the lawn as well—not that I was objecting. Waking up next to Marcus every day has become my new addiction.

Despite what happened, I hadn't had one episode—not when the doctor asked me questions to better assess my injuries, and not when Jenn came to the property last week.

I wasin the kitchen with Lilly and Audrey when Ethan walked in. "Jenn just pulled up outside. She wanted to say goodbye."

Pictures of the white room and Mara flashed in front of me. My heart immediately began thumping against my ribs, my fingers tingling from the adrenaline, but as soon as Marcus's arm snaked around my belly and I felt his strong body against my back, calm blanketed my nerves, and my muscles relaxed.

Together, we walked to the front door. Jenn had one arm on top of her Bugatti, leaning down to the passenger side window. Glancing past her, I saw Paycen in the seat. His eyes were trained forward and, as the last time, void of anything.

At our approach, Jenn pushed off her car and strode toward us. Ethan lingered near the entrance.

Stopping just inches away, she scanned me up and down. Jenn's mouth pulled up on one side. "You look good.Medicsaid you're healing well."

I cocked a brow. "Medic? His name is Josh."

"I don't get to know them. The names change with every location. Their duties don't." She shrugged, showing the side she hid well when she and I had been thrown together.

"JENN!" Paycen's barked shout turned everyone's attention on him.

His face was still forward, and Jenn rolled her eyes. "He's pissed because he's not allowed to smoke in my car." She chuckled.

"Where is his car? I thought he came from Vegas that day he—" Lilly cut herself off, peering at me.

"He did, but not in his own car." The way Jenn answered a question without answering it, a.k.a. incriminating herself or her family, was impressive.

She hugged me, then moved to Lilly. "You have my number if you ever needassistanceagain."

Lilly nodded with a small smile. "Thank you."

Jenn reached for my friend's hand. "I'm sorry you had to find out the way you did. You are better off without her, though. You have a family and friends that are more than she could've ever been. Plus, you have your big brother." She glanced over her shoulder. "Thoseare the best," she declared, raising her voice.

Paycen's hand appeared in the open window, flipping her off. Jenn barked a laugh but winked at me. "He loves me."

"I don't love anyone, Jenn-Ann. Let's go. Tobias Underwood requires your services, and you know how much Marshall hates when you're late for a job."