My phone vibrates in my hand, and I lift it into my line of sight. I stare at my other best friend's face on the screen, and my heart slows. Guilt creeps through my veins.Shit.He found out that something happened. Otherwise, he wouldn't call. We spoke mere hours before—

My fingers tighten around the device as if I'm holding on to Wes like I have so many times. He has been my rock for years. But this time, he can't help me. He has his family, and I have to do thisalone—as much as that's possible when moving in with your bestie, her husband, their baby girl, and…Marcus Baxter.

Of course,Lilly sent the jet. I could've easily taken a commercial flight to LA, but her usual mode of transportation was already en route when she informed me of the time the movers would arrive to pack up my life.

A few years back, she upgraded to a large-cabin jet, fully equipped with a small bedroom in the back. I made fun of her for a whole week. Who the hell needs a plane this size? But after our first trip with all our friends, I suppressed any further smart remarks. It beats having to deal with multiple layovers.

So, I'm now buckled into one of the twelve plush seats that could easily hold two individuals. Joel comes over the intercom, letting me know that we're waiting to get cleared for takeoff. He has worked for Lilly's family forever, and he's as familiar to me as my father's driver.

My father.

Victor Keller is going to throw a fit when he realizes I abandoned my condo overnight. Technically, it was forty-eight hours, but I doubt the semantics will make a difference. That place had been my home since I started college. I loved the apartment and neighborhood.

Quitting my job without notice will also have its consequences. But with yet another deceit by the male species, I've finally chosen to follow my friends out west. Not that I cared too much about the male. The humiliation from his actions was the reason to pack up and start over. It's only a matter of time before the entire office finds out. I'm not sticking around for that.

As if he's read my mind, my phone lights up. Settling in earlier, I had placed it on the small table separating the seats. His name is like a spotlight aimed at my retina, and I flutter my eyes closed with a drawn-out inhale.Calm down.I pretend I don't see the texts. However, the repeating vibration against the wooden surface forces me to acknowledge their existence.

Has he finally figured out that I am gone? Took him long enough after he came home to his empty apartment—or he had to digest what I left out in the open for him to find.

Inhaling to the count of four, I hold my breath for four before exhaling at the same rate. Curling my lips under, I blink and reach for my phone.

I swipe across his name and begin to read.

Collin: Where are you?

Collin: I just got to your place. All your stuff is gone.

Collin: Max said he saw movers.

Max. My nosy doorman—former doorman.

Collin: Hello?

Collin: Sweetheart, where are you?

Sweetheart, my ass.

Collin: Answer me!

Collin: NOW, Denielle! We have the Pomodor Benefit tonight.

That's more like him.

Contempt ignites my insides with every new line inscribing itself into my brain. He can shove his precious benefit where the sun doesn't shine. All the way up to his— How dare he give me orders. He is the last person with the right to demand anything. I tighten my hold around the phone until the skin over my knuckles begins to burn, imagining it is his throat. The scene replays in front of my mind's eye, and heat slithers up my neck. My thrashing pulse is drowning out the jet's engine that just came to life.

I contemplate sending him a selfie of me flipping the camera off but decide against it. He's not worth the potential fallout if the picture got out. And it would get out. We were together for nearly two years. I know him. He'd do anything to save face. Collin's family is from the Upper East Side and is a controlling force in my industry, especially his mother—my (as of today) former employer.

In her eyes, her son can do no wrong, no matter how degrading and despicable his actions are. I would get the blame somehow, and a picture like that would be the final nail in my career coffin.

Instead, I power my phone down. As soon as I'm in LA, I'll change my number. It's time to leave the past in the past.

As much as that's possible with my new house enemy.

With my pursein one hand and my sunglasses in the other, I duck through the jet's door. I'm momentarily blinded by the California sun, and despite the rays warming my skin, a chill runs down my neck and back. I slip my oversized LVs on and focus on my friends waiting for me near the hangar in their Escalade. Lilly exits the passenger side, smiling in my direction. Before I can overthink it, I rush down the short flight of stairs. It's been too long since I've seen her.

After a hug that is entirely too short, I slide into the back of the SUV.

Leaning over my goddaughter's infant seat, I coo, "Hi, pretty girl. How is my favorite shopping partner?"