"On and off. We haven't seen much of him in the last two years, but the occasional blog post still surfaces. We expect him to show up sooner or later." She shrugs nonchalantly.

Lancaster was—is—a reporter obsessed with Lilly's past. But his fixation didn't end when everything was put out in the open. He redirected it to all of us—anyone who was connected to Lilly. He followed each of us regularly. However, after Lilly and Rhys, Wes saw him the most. First, when Wes lost his future, then when King surfaced four years ago. You would've thought Lancaster had won the lottery. He stalked Wes and King for months but eventually got bored when nothing new or exciting happened. The two were brand-new parents and domesticated, nothing Lancaster could blog about forever. I haven't seen him in years either, which is why I had forgotten about him.

"Do you think he'll use you to get to Nate, now that he's back?" I ask curiously. "You think he'd be dumb enough to try and sneak onto the vineyard?"

We're settled in the back seat with Audrey between us. I hear a snort from the front seat and meet Marcus's gaze in the rearview mirror. When I hold his stare, his eyes narrow. Reluctantly, he redirects his attention back to the road. He despises giving up first, but he has no choice when maneuvering us through traffic.

I peer at my friend. Lilly missed the exchange, her focus on straightening her daughter's bow. Absently, she retorts, "If he tries, he'll have a rude awakening."

Lilly is referring to the security measures built into the vineyard's outer defense. The wall surrounding it has some type of technology built in that will fry every device that is not permitted on the property. The only way to keep your electronics intact is to come through the (open and disarmed) main gate. And even then, they won't work until you are allowed to connect to the internal Wi-Fi of the estate. It's like a massive bubble shields the property.

"Maybe he should. It would at least give us some entertainment," I muse, and we both laugh. Audrey giggles at her mom, and I look at my goddaughter. "You guys are so screwed when she grows up."

Lilly sighs and leans back against the seat. "Don't I know it? Can you imagine what boys will have to endure between Rhys and George?"

"Don't forget her uncle and extended family." I mock flex my biceps, and we both lose it.

Two days later,I have my official interview atLa Déesse.

Ethan drops me off in front of the boutique, informing me he'll wait until I'm done. At my reply that I can Uber it home, he cocks a brow, and I understand. He's following my BFF's orders.

Denis shows me around the store, which consists of the showroom on the main level, and his design studio, a few offices with the alteration room, and a small kitchen on the second floor. The actual collection is made off-site. His paranoia about anyone finding out his fashion secrets is off the charts, and I suck in my cheeks to not laugh at it.

He pushes open a door and gestures for me to head inside. "Here we are. This will be your office."

"Mine? I assumed you, uh… had more questions for me," I stammer. I didn't expect this to be it.

He waves at me dismissively. "I've seen your work. And anyone who can stand up to Phyllis is more than capable of runningLa Déesse."


"Collin will be out here next week to go over the contract with you so we can start production," Denis continues.

Wait, what?

"Wh-what do you mean?" My heart rate thickens. What did I miss?

Denis slants his head. "The fall fashion contract? Liberman Fashion will include three of my new designs in their upcoming collection."

Fucking great.

My internal temperature rises, and I speak before I can put a stop to it. "Is that why you're giving me this job? My connection to Liberman? Collin and I broke up."

Denis purses his lips and crosses his arms. "I'm aware. Phyllis informed me of the unfortunate circumstance."

What the fuck does that mean?

I have no idea how to respond. What unfortunate circumstance? That Collin cheated on me? Or that I didn't sit back like a demure, soon-to-be filthy rich fiancée and let it slide? My thumbnail digs into the pad of my middle finger—the only gesture I manage to not fully form fists.

When I don't speak, Denis continues, "I've known Collin since he was ten years old. He's always been a spoiled little shit. It was a miracle he remained faithful to you for as long as he did." He ends the last sentence with a sneer.

My brows shoot up.Oh.

"However, the contract stands. I want to hire you. I do believe we can create extraordinary things together. You are very talented, Denielle. So, my question to you is: can you suck it up and work with your scum ex-fiancé for the sake of fashion?"

A snicker bubbles up, and I let it escape before I think twice about it. Denis is…something. I don't have to consider his question. I want this job, and it's not like Collin broke my heart. I stretch out my hand. "For the sake of fashion."

Denis squeezes my fingers tightly, and his face lights up. "Excellent!"