"Not yet. I just got back." I glance around the room and out the tall windows toward the backyard. "Where are your girls?"

"Audrey's napping, so Calla wanted to get some work done. She's upstairs in her office." Rhys heads toward the fridge and pulls out another bottle of water.

I nod. "OK. I'm going to change out of these clothes and then go see her."

"Sounds good," he replies absently with his head now in the pantry.

Upstairs,I strip out of my skirt and blouse, leaving me standing in front of the tall mirror in my white lace thong, bra, and heels. I bite my lip. "What would Marcus think of this outfit?" I whisper to myself.

I shake my head.God, what's wrong with me?

I unclasp my bra and reach for the maxi dress I discarded at the foot of my bed yesterday. Stepping into it, a sigh of comfortable relief escapes my lips. This is much better. I make a mental note to check with Denis on what he expects me to wear.

Picking up my phone again, I remember Charlie's message. He wants to meet me. After six years. I haven't heard so much as a peep from him since the night he went to his frat party and left me at his apartment—not even when he discovered what I had done to his possessions after I found him doggy-styling some skank the following day when I went looking for him.

I no longer hold a grudge. I don't feel anything for Charlie. The hurt and hatred slowly morphed into indifference, and eventually, I rarely thought of him at all. His actions led me to guard my heart against another hurt, but even when being careful not to fall in love, I got slapped in the face with another man's infidelity.

My fingers hover over the digital keyboard for a moment.

Me: Charlie. This is a surprise.

Keeping it pleasantly neutral.

It takes less than a minute before the banner slides down again and interrupts me catching up on emails. I tap on it.

Charlie: I know. I saw you are in town and wanted to reach out.

My curiosity is piqued. Charlie never had any intention of moving to the West Coast. He always talked about staying close to his family after college.

Me: You're in LA?

Charlie: For about two years. Mom passed, and I needed a change of scenery.

Oh, no.A lump forms in my throat. I adored Kelly York when Charlie and I were dating. After the...breakup, I lost touch with her. It was too awkward. No doubt she figured out what had happened.

Me: OMG, I'm so sorry. What happened?

The speech bubble appears and disappears several times.

Charlie: Any chance you would meet me for coffee?

A flutter quivers in my stomach. Would I? My eyes sting, and I blink. Kelly is gone.

Me: Yes, sure. When?

Charlie: How about two hours? The café you like so much?

How does he—? Oh, my last few social media posts. I haven't been active in so long, and then the only times I've posted were when I went to The Baking Room.

My initial panic evaporates.

Me: See you there.

Sittingon the bench at the foot of my bed, I digest the news. Lilly is no longer in her office when I reemerge. I find her downstairs in one of the sitting rooms with Audrey playing on a blanket. Rhys and Marcus are standing near the open patio doors, freshly showered and engrossed in a passionate debate. Getting closer, the wordsexhaustandsuspensiondrift over, and I tune them out immediately. Car talk is as fascinating to me as if I were to try to explain the difference between an accordion and a knife pleat to anyone outside of the industry.

Despite my disinterest in their conversation, I catalog Marcus's outfit in meticulous detail. His signature ripped jeans are paired with one of his many solid cotton tees—today's color of choice is navy blue. He's wearing brown Red Wing Heritage Classic Mocs in the same shade as his shoulder holster. His hair is still wet and hangs in loose strands around his face. My fingers itch to comb it away from his forehead.

I force myself to shift my focus before anyone catches me gawking. Marcus ignores me as usual.