Concentrating on my surroundings slowed my thrashing pulse.

Suddenly, Collin reached out and cuffed my upper arm with his hand. No, no, no. His touch felt like needles, causing my heart rate to spike anew. I whimpered, writhing in his grip but unable to dislodge him. Where did my strength go? A wave of nausea rolled through me, and I clamped my free hand over my mouth. Black spots appeared, and my legs began to tremble.

"Walk away now, or I'm going to have you arrested," Collin threatened Charlie, whose mouth just opened and closed like a fish. I wanted to apologize—not that I could give him an explanation of what just happened.

Collin steered me toward La Déesse where Denis observedthe showfrom within the doorframe, a frown on his face. I stumbled over the threshold, my blurry vision obscuring where I was being dragged. All I could do was follow as I tried not to vomit on the hardwood floor in front of me. My hair clung to the nape of my neck, and waves of icy shivers racked through me.

"I'm taking her home. She must've eaten something wrong," Collin explained to Denis, who nodded with disbelief marring his features. I was going to lose my job and couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't form the words necessary to communicate the lie I was brainwashed to repeat.

We don't talk about Denielle's condition, my father always insisted.

Collin didn't stop as he led me through the showroom toward the back of the building. We exited through the back entrance, reserved for our private clientele, and he dragged me over to what must have been his rental. My ankle rolled as I tripped over something on the ground, but Collin's grip simply tightened.

"Oww," a cry burst out.

He didn't stop until we were next to the passenger side. I wanted to tell him that I could drive myself home, I had a car, but I only managed a wheezing sound. My thudding pulse made it hard to breathe.

Collin halted, scanning my face before he shook his head and hissed, "Get a grip, Denielle."


He looked at something behind me, but I couldn't muster the strength to check. Opening the door, he deposited me in the seat and buckled me like a child. The door slammed shut, and I jumped.

Collin slid in on his side and, without looking at me, started the car, peeling out of the parking lot.

Why is he so angry?

My fingers tightened around the soft material still in my hand, and I lifted the scarf to my face. Closing my eyes, I pressed the fabric against my skin, letting the visions batter down on me. I was helpless to the onslaught. As helpless as I was every single time in the past. The pictures were accompanied by the sound of water splashing. Someone screaming. Me. The burn intensified, and I realized I was holding my breath.

Kelly's present was yanked out of my grasp. No! Where did it go? My eyes darted around the small space, and I tracked the scarf flying into the back seat. My heart skipped a beat as I scrambled after it. Fingers clamped down on my shoulder, and the car swerved.

"What the fuck are you doing? SIT DOWN!" Collin barked. "Jesus, your father never said you would act like such a lunatic."

My father? Wha— Collin knew? My father told him about my…condition? How is that even possible?

Collin's hand wrapped around my wrist, and all mental clarity evaporated. He knew. I pressed my body against the door in a failed attempt to get away from him. Had this all been a game? His manicured nails cut into the inside of my wrist.

"STOP IT!" His command hits its target as if he'd backhanded me. My vision began to cloud further. "I'm taking you home. We will talk about this later."

My eyes fluttered closed, and my body went slack. Not because I gave up, but I needed him to release me, even if it was just for a second. The longer he held on, the harder it was not to scream. And I knew that once I started, I wouldn't stop. And then I'd most likely end up in the hospital. Or worse. Medicated.

My father had told him.

I managed to keep it together until we reached the gates leading up to Lilly's estate. A new wave of panic crashed down on me. I would have to face my friend. She was home. She wouldn't accept a halfhearted excuse this time. Collin stopped at the gate, and the guard peered through the window, recognizing me. I must've nodded, because we were granted access. Did the driveway get longer? I needed to get out of the confinement of the car.

We slowed in front of the main entrance, and I reached for the door handle. Collin's hand landed on my leg, and this time, the screech burst out. I managed to throw the door open but forgot about the seat belt. It delayed my escape, and he caught up to me.

"Collin, plea—"

"Get in the house, Denielle," the last person I ever wanted to see me like this boomed from Lilly's front door.



I'm standingin front of the full-length mirror in my bedroom, clasping the edges of the cream towel together over my chest. My skin is flaming red where I let the hot spray pelt down on me. My dark hair hangs in nearly black tangles down my back.

What did I do?