"Okayyyy." A hand lands on my chest, and Ethan maneuvers himself between Liberman and me. Our eyes lock, but no words are spoken. We don't need to. I nod, and when he's sure I won't shoot the New York high-society coke whore, he turns and tilts his head at the guy.

"I suggest you step away, or my man here will remove you, which will result in a call for another ambulance. And I can promise you, it won't make it in time." I snort because E perfectly imitates the voice of the Joker. He sounds like he is the insane one, not me—the one who was ready to draw a gun in Denielle's place of work.

We all have our damage. Ethan's is as disturbing as mine is tragic.

Collin Liberman's face drains of color. I don't have to see Ethan to know hissmileis anything but friendly.

He pats Liberman's cheek. "Good boy. Now run along." With that, he pushes him out of the way with one finger against his forehead.

We follow the paramedics, who just finished loading the stretcher into the ambulance. One is about to shut the doors when I climb into the back and settle next to EMT-Two.

Before we're locked in, I call out, "Follow us to the hospital and let me know what Rhys says."

Ethan salutes me before our visual connection is severed.



Beep.Beep. Beep.

What the hell is that? I turn toward the obnoxious sound, but as soon as I move my head, dizziness rolls through me in waves, making vomit burn in my throat. Oh, god. Cold sweat slithers across my neck and back. I swallow, but my throat is too dry, and I choke. Lifting my hand to my mouth, I'm stopped by a sharp pain in my hand.

"Oww." I keep tugging, ignoring the sting in my arm getting worse. My heart rate picks up, my breath coming in sharp bursts. Why can't I move? What is going on?

"Hey, hey," Lilly's voice penetrates my cloud of panic. "Slow down, babe." Fingers wrap around my arm. "Hold on, D. Your IV is caught somewhere."


The sting transforms into a burn spreading through the top of my hand.

"What hap—?" The scratching in my throat is agony. "Wat-r…"

"Sure, okay. Hold on. Let me raise the bed."

My lids feel like they're glued shut. It takes several tries to peel them back. Blinking slowly, a dim room comes into view. I don't recognize my surroundings. Where the fuck am I?

"You're in the hospital," Rhys explains.

Did I say that out loud? I tilt my head to the other side and spot him leaning against the windowsill. The drawn shades put his face in shadows. His arms are crossed, and his foot is propped against the wall underneath the window. He reminds me of his younger version, lounging in the hallway of Westbridge High, Wes by his side, and observing his surroundings—a.k.a. watching Lilly without anyone's knowledge. All those damn secrets. A giggle bubbles up at the memory, resulting in another coughing fit, and he raises a brow.

Why am I so out of it?

Shifting my focus back to my other side, Lilly is fussing with wires and tubes that disappear under…

"Where are my clothes?" I'm draped in one of those flimsy hospital gowns. Panic rises in my core, and my eyes fly around the room.

Lilly presses her lips together, throwing a glance at her husband. When she meets my eyes again, she puffs out her cheeks. "You were drugged."

My brows shoot up. "I was what?" Disbelief mingles with sheer terror. My arms and legs begin to tremble, and my already strenuous inhales become impossible. Finally able to move freely, I rub my fist against my sternum in small circles.

"What do you remember?" Rhys steps closer, perching on the edge of the bed near my feet.

Lilly places a hand on my leg. "Shhh. The doctors checked you out. Nothing happened."

This one sentence releases the pressure in my lungs, and the oxygen finally flows again. The erratic thudding in my chest slows.Nothing happened."I…" my voice cracks. I have the urge to check my entire body myself to make sure. I don't feel injured or… "How did I get here?"

"Marcus found you," Lilly explains.