Lilly holds my gaze, answering Rhys. "I'll have Jax make a few calls."

"Why are you getting Jax involved?" An icy shiver runs down my spine. This hot/cold thing my body is doing is irritating, to say the least. Tanner Jaxon Weiler, a.k.a. Jax, is part of Lilly's legal team. I first met him when he came to Montana after King was accused of murder. He is anything but your typical attorney. Physically, he gives any male model a run for his money. His sarcastic, smart mouth has gotten him in trouble on numerous occasions in court. But where Lilly's brother is a genius with computers, Jax is one when it comes to legal matters. If he argues a case, you have no chance. I've seen him on and off when I've visited, but probably not in over six months. He's also not just one of Lilly's employees but a friendandGeorge's nephew.

"He went to college with someone in administration. He can have them put some pressure on the lab. Your nurse checked three times already, but they're dragging their feet," Lilly explains.

"Let's go over what happened." Rhys pulls a chair to the side of my bed.

I inhale slowly and let the memories run through my mind. "I got to work around nine. I met with Denis to discuss some issues we had with a fabric delivery and how to handle a large bridal party scheduled later in the week. My client dropped off her dress for her appointment on Wednesday. I went over some invoices and then met Charlie for lunch." During my recollection, I kept my eyes trained on the ceiling.

"What did you guys talk about?" Lilly prods.

"I apologized for Thursday, leaving him standing at The Club and—"

"Wait, what?" Rhys sits up straight. "When was he at The Club?"

"He texted me that he saw our post"—I peer at Lilly—"and came by."

My friends exchange a look.

"What?" I flip-flop between them.

"Don't you think that's a little odd? He keeps popping up wherever you are. It's like he's stalking you on social media," Rhys accuses.

I shake my head, and a wave of dizziness washes over me. "This is Charlie. He can't hurt a fly."

"No, but he can cheat on you for months, which no one ever suspected. And don't forget what you did to retaliate. I'm sure he didn't like finding all his shit in the dumpster." Rhys crosses his arms.

"That was years ago. We were kids," I defend myself (and him).

"And we all know how long people can hold a grudge." Rhys glowers at his wife, who has remained mute throughout the exchange. He's not angry with her. He's simply reminding us of what she went through because of something that happened before she was born.

"He wouldn't hurt me," I emphasize once more, my fingers curling into the thin blanket covering my body.

"Would you be upset with me if I looked into what he's been up to the last few years?" Lilly carefully asks.

If I say no, she won't do it. She isn't that kind of friend, but at the same time… Simmering paranoia and suspicion steadily turned to a boil the more Rhys argued his point. I nod slowly. "Go for it."

"What did you do after lunch?" I focus back on Rhys. All that's missing is him pulling out a small notepad, taking my statement.

I fill my lungs with air and chew on my lip. Things are starting to get hazy, and I have to concentrate. "Charlie walked back with me. We said our goodbyes, and I went inside. I talked to Cassy for a minute, then went upstairs."

"Did you eat or drink anything you didn't get yourself?" Rhys has taken on full interrogation mode.

"What are you now, the police?" I roll my eyes, using sarcasm to mask my overpowering feeling of being violated—even if it didn't gothatfar.

"No, they will have their own questions, but someone fucking drugged you. You can bet your sexy ass on us finding who is behind that." I'm stunned by his speech.

A knock on the door redirects everyone's focus. The door opens, and a woman in scrubs walks in, followed by Ethan.

"Hello, Denielle. My name is Dr. Palmer." She carries a folder in her hand, and her warm smile eases some of the knots in my stomach.

"Hi." I force the corners of my mouth up.

Ethan positions himself next to Rhys and squeezes my foot through the covers. "Hey, girl. You scared us half to death. Don't do that again, 'kay?" He grins crookedly, and I laugh. His easygoing attitude manages to lift the weighted blanket covering me since waking up.

"I'll do my best."

"Denielle, your brother is on his way. He permitted us to disclose your medical condition with your friends."