The excitement of her reaching out is snuffed out, unease cracking open a pit in my stomach. Something isn't right. "What's wrong with the G-Wagon?"

There is silence on the other end, and my grip tightens around the phone.

"Denielle?" I prod. I don't want her to hang up for pushing, but at the same time, I need her to tell me what's going on.

"Could you just come, please?" Her plea, combined with the dip in her voice, is all I need to fly off the couch.

I wrap my hands around the strap of my holster draped across the back of the armchair and am out the door before she can say another word. "Are you safe?" My question is rushed as breathing is suddenly impossible. I race to the side entrance of the house and the garage.

It takes her as long as I need to reach the car to answer. "I think so."

She thinks so?

"Where are you?" I'm getting louder.

"In my office."

I don't ask more questions. "I'm on my way. Stay on the phone with me." I have no clue what's going on, but I need to know she is with me.

"Okay," she whispers.

I'm speeding down the driveway, and the guard has the gate open before I reach it. Neither of us speaks as I drive to Denielle's place of work.

"I'm almost there," I inform her, making my last turn into the alley behind the row of high-end stores.

I hear a crackle and then footsteps. My heart stutters before its thudding becomes painful. "What are you doing?"

"I’m coming down." She doesn't say anything else.

I pull into the spot next to Lilly's Mercedes. The cars are to the left of the back door of La Déesse, with mine being in the closest spot. The door opens as I exit the vehicle, revealing a pale Denielle. She halts, meeting my eyes, and I freeze with my hand on top of the driver's door, one foot still inside. We stare at each other. Having her brown eyes finally trained on me again snaps everything amiss in place, and a sigh escapes me. Suddenly, she takes off in my direction, and I only manage to righten myself, having both feet planted on the asphalt, when she rounds the hood and plows into me. Her arms wrap around my midsection, and her nose nuzzles against my chest. I pull her closer. She shudders against the embrace, tightening her hold. I place my cheek against the crown of her head. Our bodies fit like she was always meant to be there.

We stand like this for minutes. I wanted her to tell me what was going on. Why she called me of all people. But I can't let go. This moment, her nearness…

Eventually, she loosens her hold, but I don't let go. She leans back and peers up at me, a soft smile tugging on her mouth. I untangle one arm from her and place my palm on her cheek. She leans into my touch, my thumb stroking across her soft skin. The contact sends a tingling current up my arm, but when her eyes flutter closed, she presses her lips into a thin line. The smile vanishes, and so does the sensation in my limb.

"The car," she murmurs without looking at me.

My eyes narrow, and I study her face, letting the words sink in—the car. What ca— My eyes swivel to the G-Wagon in slow motion. I trail the body of it but see nothing out of place until—the tire. I shift to the next one, and my fingers on her back grip her side. Denielle winces but doesn't make a sound.

The two tires visible to me are shredded. Not just slashed.Massacred. They look like someone took a hatchet or axe to them, the rubber sliced into strips and pieces covering the asphalt. What on earth could've done that?Whocould've done that? Every muscle in my body goes on high alert. We're in an alley, but all the stores use it for customer parking. There is always a chance of someone coming or going.

I force my arms to drop Denielle and slowly make my way to the other side of the G-Wagon. I'm met with the same scene.

What the fuck?

Looking at Denielle across the car, she's chewing on her bottom lip. She's hugging herself, following my every move.

"Where is Denis?" I can't keep the hostility out of my tone. Why is no one else here with her? It's not even six.

"He had an appointment and left early."

"What about the blonde chick?" No clue what her name is.

Denielle's eyes widen. "She left at five when we closed."

"Then, why did you stay here by yourself?" I bark. None of this is her fault. My own fear is overtaking my senses. I fill my lungs with air and hold it until my chest begins to burn. I want to shout at her about how irresponsible that was. We still have no idea who drugged her just days ago.

Tears pool in her eyes, and I take a step toward her. I hate seeing my strong woman like this.Mine?My foot hovers midstride. Mine. I am waiting for the objection, some type of voice telling me that I've lost my mind. There is nothing.