He leads the way to the kitchen, where Rhys and Lilly are eating dinner with Audrey. Three pairs of eyes swivel toward us when we enter.

The two adult pairs dip toward our hands, and Rhys's brows shoot up while Lilly presses her lips in a thin line but can't hide her smirk.

I guide Denielle over to the breakfast nook, and she scoots in. I follow her onto the bench, facing Lilly and Rhys. Audrey sits in her high chair attached to the tabletop, and Ethan leans against the island. Lilly slowly scans everyone's faces before she settles on mine. "What is going on?" All amusement has left.

Rhys narrows his eyes at his wife before he turns to me.

"Someone vandalized the G-Wagon behind La Déesse." I'm playing it down. "I'm going to have it towed to the garage to have the guys look at it." I don't have to elaborate on which garage—I'm not referring to the one on the property.

Lilly's eyes grow wide, and she turns to her friend. "Are you okay?"

Denielle nods slowly. "I'm sorry about—"

Rhys snorts. "D, if you think one of us will even dignify that with an answer, you disappoint me." He redirects his attention to me. "What are you going to do?"

I peer over to Ethan, and he nods.

I squeeze Denielle's hand under the table, and she presses her leg against mine in return. "I'm bringing someone in who will stay with Denielle until we figure out who is behind this." Rhys opens his mouth, but I continue, "With the changes George made in staffing, I can't pull anyone from their current position to follow Denielle." I glance at Denielle with a smirk. "And I doubt she'll agree to quit and stay put until we find the guilty party."

She rolls her eyes, and Lilly chuckles.

"Who is this outside party you're talking about? Can we trust him?" Rhys looks between Ethan and me while holding the spoon to his daughter.

"Her," Ethan interjects.

"Her?" Lilly parrots with a question mark etched on her face as she lifts her glass to her lips.

"I called my sister," Ethan elaborates.

Lilly spits the water across the table while Rhys lets the spoon drop to the high chair tray with a clatter.

His daughter immediately begins to fuss, and he picks it up. "I'm sorry, princess." When Audrey has a mouthful and is happily chewing again, he hisses at me. "What the fu— 'dge?"

I'm not surprised Lilly and Rhys are aware of Ethan's past and his relationship with Marshall Davis and his kids. We're here to protect this family, and they should have full transparency into our damage. Though, E's is the one that left the most scars—not just metaphorically.

"What if Davis comes looking for her?" Lilly glances between Ethan and me. She won't look at Denielle. She wants to protect her best friend, but bringing inThe Cleaneris a bold move, even for us.

"He won't." Ethan steps away from the island and positions himself in front of our employers—wide stance, hands clasped behind his back. "I vouch for Jenn. She will not bring harm to you or your family." He nods at Audrey.

"I don't know, Calla." Rhys scans Lilly's face. Her eyes are fixed on Audrey, who's now playing patty-cake with her mashed potatoes and peas, using the adults' distraction to change her dinner's consistency to mush.

"Who is Jenn?" Denielle's frustration breaks the silence.

"She's my adopted sister and a friend," Ethan answers, resulting in Rhys and me snorting. Understatement of the century.

"Jennifer Ann Davis isThe Cleanerfor one of the most lethal CTH syndicates in North America," Lilly explains calmly.

"CT…" Denielle's brows draw together.

"Contract to hire." I rub Denielle's thigh, and her eyes fly to mine.

Her mouth opens and closes several times before she spits, "You called an assassin to be my babysitter?" Her eyes jump between mine.

"Technically, Jenn is their cleaner," I state. This world might be old news to me, having worked in it half my life, but not everyone shares our acceptance of the lifestyles and occupations of others.

I fully expect Denielle to throw a fit. Instead, she shoves at me until I slide out of the bench seat. As soon as she's upright, she looks at Lilly. "I'm going to be upstairs if you need me." Turning to Ethan, she says, "Let me know when my newfriendarrives." She won't acknowledge me when she exits the kitchen with her back straight.

This is not how I expected this evening to go.