"It's a Bugatti Centodieci. Isn't she a beauty?"She? This monstrosity is a girl?Jenn beams, and I want to scream at her to pay attention to the road. "It was a birthday present from my brother." She trains her gaze back to the traffic.

Thank God!

I force my fingers to unclench before I cause damage to the interior that I most definitely cannot afford to replace.

After Marcus had led me back to the main house and I got ready, I found everyone downstairs eating breakfast like it was the most normal thing in the world to have acleanerin the house.

Lilly was laughing as Jenn had Audrey propped on one hip, tickling her and making the little girl squeal in giggly hysterics. And here I thought I'd seen it all.

Jenn had showered, her hair had been damp, and her leggings were replaced by black skinny jeans.

With my own coffee in hand, I had joined them, and my babysitter declared that she'd be driving me to work—if I wanted to go in, that was. Denis was unaware of what had happened behind his store, and I didn't want to give him another reason to consider firing me. So, I had told her we'd be leaving by nine.

Marcus's grim expression had been a clear indication that he didn't like the idea, but he brought the girl in to protect me. He couldn't object to me going to work.

When we walked out to her car, the guys all fell over each other. Even Marcus seemed impressed, which told me this must be something special. Material possessions have never interested him—a trait I picked up on years ago.

We pull into the alley, and I expel a sigh of relief. We made it. Alive. Though my elevated pulse could easily result in a heart attack.

Inside, I introduce Jenn as my cousin and ask Denis if it would be okay for her to hang out at the boutique while she is in town, promising that it won't interfere with my job. As expected, my boss has no objections. How I got this lucky with my employer is a miracle. Jenn also is surprisingly good company, and her knowledge about fashion is as extensive as someone who has worked in the industry. I show her the designs for Em's alterations, and when she suggests adding a sheer layer with embedded black crystals to the lower back, I clap my hands like a lunatic. I can totally picture it, and Em will love the additional detail.

Marcus isn't anywhereto be found as Jenn and I arrive home that evening. Rhys announces that Marcus and Ethan went to the garage to check on the progress of the G-Wagon. They have their bi-weekly video call with George and would take it from the hotel's main security office.

Jenn has taken over one of the other guest rooms, and I promise to let her know if I leave the main house. I am under twenty-four-seven surveillance.

I've just crawled under the covers, the early wake-up catching up to me, when Marcus's name lights up my phone.

Marcus: How was your day?

Me: Are you making small talk?

As much as I enjoy having normal conversations with Marcus and talking about things that don't revolve around either of our pasts, a tiny voice in the back of my head keeps me from opening up all the way. And that includes truly believing that there is no ulterior motive. While my heart tells me Marcus does believe that what happened that night did not cause Ken's death, the whispers of,What if he changes his mind?continue to be present.

Marcus: Isn't that what people who don't dislike each other do? ;)

Heat creeps up my cheeks, reading his words. I lean back into my pillows and hold the phone in both hands.

Me: You're right. And I did. Jenn knows a lot about fashion. How come?

Marcus: Not sure. Ethan doesn't talk about his past. Or her.

Me: That doesn't sound good.

Marcus: Whatever happened probably wasn't good.

I stare at the screen, watching the minutes tick by at the top.

Me: Is there any news on the car?

Marcus: Not yet. They have a few ideas, but it'll take time to confirm them.

When I don't respond, the three dots indicate he is typing again.

Marcus: We'll figure out who did this.

Me: I know you will.

I exit out of his message, and the number Collin texted from sits in front of me. I need to tell Marcus, or Lilly, about this. But that would also mean I would have to let them in on my condition. My jaw clenches, and my rib cage constricts. Soon. What's Collin gonna do? Abduct me? I want to see how that's gonna go over with Jenn following me, even to the bathroom, when I'm not here at the house.