Jenn has her eyes trained on Denielle's chest. Flicking them to me for a fraction of a second, she reaches out and slowly guides me to place Denielle flat on the ground.

"She's breathing. It's shallow, but she's breathing," Jenn announces, and I inhale shakily. I hold one of her hands between both of mine as Jenn checks her pulse. She produces a small flashlight from God knows where, pulling Denielle's lids apart.

"Come on, baby. Wake up," I murmur more to myself, squeezing Denielle's fingers.

Rhys has retreated to Lilly's side. She clings to her husband, her face buried in his shoulder, with muffled cries racking her body.

Jenn pats Denielle's cheek. "Come on, girly. Not cool to let your man wait like this."

"I'm going to call an ambulance," Lilly hiccups. She's turning out of Rhys's grip when Denielle convulses in a coughing fit. She retches, and water splutters from her mouth. My entire body sags forward, the tension draining from every muscle that has been holding me upright.

Jenn smiles. "Good girl." She guides Denielle to the side and looks up at me. "Support her. She needs to get it all out."

Jenn scoots back, holding the hand Denielle pulled out of mine as she shifted. "There you go, let your body do the work. You'll be okay." Jenn's soothing words are like a calming blanket covering the room. I position myself behind my girl, allowing her to lean into me for support.

When she finally catches her breath, Denielle curls into a fetal position and begins to cry. My heart breaks at the sight, and I want to take away whatever is causing her such pain.

Jenn straightens and touches the back of her hand to Denielle's cheek. She meets my blurry gaze. "I'll be outside. She'll be fine, but she needs you."

I dip my chin, unable to form a reply. My throat has closed up, and I swallow over the razor blades in the back of my mouth. Three sets of feet slowly pad out of the room. I don't hear the telltale click of having complete privacy, but I can't bring myself to care.

With my ass on the wet tiles, my jeans cling to my legs. I reach my arms around Denielle and pull her into my lap, where she curls into a ball. She fists my shirt between her trembling fingers. Rocking us back and forth, I lean my cheek to the crown of her head. I don't wipe away the moisture on my face. The mere thought of not having come up here in time…

Eventually, her sobs slow, and she calms. "I'm sorry." Her apology is barely audible.

My heart squeezes, hearing her voice. "What for, baby?"

"That you saw me like this." She sniffs, pulling me closer. I adjust my hold and gently tip her chin up until her eyes meet mine. Even red rimmed and puffy from the ordeal she just went through, she is still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

"Why are you smiling?" Her brow puckers.

"You're beautiful," I tell her, making her laugh. The amusement quickly turns into another wheezing coughing fit, and I stroke her cheekbone until she settles back down.

"We need to get you out of these clothes." As if on command, she shudders.

I ignore my own clothes clinging to my body as I help her stand. I hardly notice the damp material. She has my full attention. Denielle pads, with my help, to the small bench seat in the corner. It was probably meant as decoration or to drop your discarded clothes on, but it comes in handy now. She is wearing another of those barely there sleep outfits, making it easy for me to get her out of the soaked material. I wrap a towel around her as I search the room for something to wear. Nothing.

"I'll be right back." I graze my knuckles against her cheek, and she covers my hand with hers before tucking the towel closer.


In the bedroom, I find Lilly and Rhys on the couch. Jenn and Ethan stand next to the door to the hallway, heads bowed and arguing in hushed tones.

I stop. Where do I look for clothes?

"I grabbed a pair of sweats for you." Rhys points his finger at something hanging over the armrest without abandoning his forward position with his elbows on his knees.

I nod. "Thanks, man." I glance at Lilly. "Could you help me find something for Den?"

Lilly's gaze jerks up. She sits similarly to her husband with her arms hugging her midsection. Tears glisten on her face, and she bobs her head.

Rhys rubs her back as she stands. Knowing where to go, she opens one drawer, then another. Then, she heads into the walk-in closet. An overpowering sense of helplessness roots me in place. I teeter between a soul-crushing need to help Denielle and self-doubt about what I have to offer her. I haven't been able to take care of myself, emotionally, since…well, never.

Lilly reappears and holds a pile of clothes out to me.

As I reach out, I force the nagging contradictions aside. I take the offering with a tight smile and head back to the bathroom.

Denielle's gaze lifts, new tears brim in her eyes, and my chest aches for her.