My shift doesn't start until one, but after showering and changing into my own clothes, the walls closed in. So, when our cleaner calls, I'm with Ethan in the main house, going over the shifts for the next month.

Lilly is on a conference call in her office, Rhys downstairs in the gym, and Audrey with her nanny.

I answer on speakerphone. "What did you find out?"

"Hello to you, too," she huffs.

"Come on, J," Ethan sighs, probably used to her sass.

"Fiiine," Jenn whines. "I had to explain to Denis why I was interrogating him on STD boy, but I left it vague."

"Oh, so you didn't tell him you make dead bodies disappear for a living?" Ethan chimes in.

"This is me flipping you off,Bill," Jenn bickers.

I have to look up this thing Ethan got his nickname from.

"As I was saying before I got so rudely interrupted," Jenn drawls, and I peer at Ethan, who rolls his eyes, "I informed Denis that I was Denielle's detail and hired to protect her. Did you know she got an orchid with a creepy note?"

Where her words choked me, Jenn oozed excitement. "What are you talking about?"

"When I alluded to the package and that Denielle did not just faintthe day the EMTs took her to the hospital, he asked if she had told me about the flower. Clearly, she hadn't. And neither did you guys."

"That's because this is the first time I'm hearing of this," I snap at her.

"Oh, well," Jenn glosses over my anger. "Denielle threw it in the dumpster, so no dice on getting any prints from that. The note was super cryptic. Could've been a compliment or a threat. Either way, it's gone."

My chest cramps, and I rub my fist up and down its center. I don't bother asking what it had said. There is nothing we can do about it now. "What about Liberman?"

"Denis hasn't heard from him since Tuesday after they had lunch. Denis said Collin stayed longer because one of the fabric shipments was delayed, and Mama Liberman wanted to ensure the stuff was to her satisfaction. Denielle confirmed that the materials were supposed to be delivered the week before but didn't arrive until Tuesday morning. Collin checked them out and then left a week ago."

My head hurts. "So, is he back in New York?" I'm losing my patience.

"I don't know." Jenn's confident attitude takes a dive.

"Explain." Technically, she's not one of my subordinates, and she could easily tell me to go fuck off, but I have a hunch that she likes Denielle and wants to figure out who's after her.

"Denielle texted some of her New York friends who still work at Liberman. No one has seen him since he left for LA. However, he did check out of his hotel the day he was supposed to leave."

"Then where the fuck is he?" My palm uncurls and hits the desk. My phone jumps at the impact, and Ethan raises a brow.

"Should we ask Lilly toexplore some angles?" he suggests.

The pounding in my ears makes it hard to concentrate. "No, she has enough going on. Unless Denielle wants to bring her in, let her role be Denielle's friend." I inhale and close my eyes. "I'll call the boss."

There is a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line.

"Do you have anything to say, Jennifer?" I sneer, having had it with everyone's attitudes.

"Nope. Your decision."

"Do not let Denielle out of your sight, and report back if there is any unusual activity."

"You got it." She disconnects, and I sit with Ethan in the quiet of our office.

Denielle's birthday is this weekend. Lilly has it all planned out. King and Wes will be arriving with Haddie on Friday. Elle and her sister will fly in Saturday evening right before the surprise party. I refuse to let anything or anyone ruin this weekend for her.

"What does Jenn know aboutthe boss?" I turn to Ethan.