Page 10 of Because of the Dar

When the SUV halted, Rhys got out and opened the door for Lilly and Den. My fists were curled tightly, the skin over my knuckles white, and I watched my friend through slitted eyes as I exited the vehicle last. He was not prepared for my next move. Lilly was engrossed in a conversation with Marcus, with Den standing slightly behind her, ignoring Marcus as usual. As soon as my feet hit the polished concrete of the private hangar, I took a step to the side and allowed Rhys to close the door. He was about to face me when I drew my arm back and let my fist shoot forward. I clocked him in the jaw, and his head snapped to the side. Rhys caught himself against the side of the car. Behind me, Lilly shrieked in shock, and Den called my name. But everything was muffled over the hammering in my ears.

They fucking lied to me. I asked him, and he lied to my face.

I grabbed Rhys by the shirt and slammed him back against the car. A pair of arms latched onto my torso and pulled me away. Not letting go of his shirt, it ripped.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" I roared in his face, spit flying. I probably looked deranged, but I didn't care. I had covered for him for years while he kept secret after secret from me. I was there for him. For both of them. I told them I didn't want the money.

Lilly stood warily next to her treacherous boyfriend, who rubbed his jaw, not saying a word.

I was sure it was his idea to ignore what I had said, but she provided the funds for this farce. I would've been a fucking joke at Pine Hill.

Marcus dragged me away, and I struggled against his hold. I wanted to get another punch in. Not that I could have, now that Rhys was prepared. But in my rage-filled mind, that was all that counted.

"Wes! What the hell?" Den grabbed my hand as Lilly's shadow tightened his arms further. "Marcus, let go of him!" she shouted.

"No can do," was growled into my ear.

"You fucking went behind my back, you asshole. I told you I didn't want her money. And you? You probably guilted her into forking over what? A couple hundred grand? You knew I wouldn't take it. I've been by your side for years, and what do you do? You fucking betray me!"

"Wes—" Lilly took a step forward, but Rhys grasped her hand before she could get any closer.

I barked out a cynical laugh. "What? You think I'd hit her, too?"

Rhys still wouldn't say anything, but the guilt was written in bold letters on his forehead.

"Rhys, get Lilly in the car and wait for me," Marcus ordered from behind.

"But—" Lilly tried once more.

"Football has always been your dream. We just wanted to help," Rhys finally spoke up.

"FUCK. YOU!" I spat at them. "You turned me—my dream—into a fraud." I attempted to shrug Marcus off. "Let me go, Shadow! I'm done here."

Lilly nodded at her security detail, and he loosened his grip. Shaking him off, I turned on my heel and marched toward the jet. Not that I wanted to take this damn thing home now, but I couldn't afford a commercial ticket—not if I wanted to find a way to still go to school.


My alarm is blaring.Whyyy, my foggy brain whines in confusion. I run through all the scenarios in my head. There's no class today—not that I would be held accountable if I didn't show up.

Why the hell is my alarm going off?

After confessing my stupid fucking actions to my friends, I didn't get to bed until the sun was coming over the mountain range.

A sound between a groan, a curse, and a frustrated whimper escapes me as I untangle myself from my covers and try to locate the obnoxious sound between my discarded clothes on the floor. Dead on my feet, it seems I didn't bother plugging my phone in last night. I simply stripped and let everything fall where I was standing. It's a miracle my phone is still working.

"Why aren't you dead as usual?" I grumble to myself.

"Bitch, turn that off!" Mags's voice echoes through the apartment. My door flies open as I hang halfway off the bed, digging through what seems like my entire wardrobe. I peer up at my roommate, who is already showered and dressed. Of course she is.

She stalks toward me, her hand disappearing under the shirt I was about to lift next and pulls out—I squint. Whose phone is that? She silences it, then shoves it in my face.

Closing my hand carefully around the unknown device, I let myself fall onto the pillow, hitting something hard with the back of my head.

"Ow!" comes a rumble from behind me.

I shriek and jump out of bed. "What the fuck?" In shock, I stare at Kiwi, who is sprawled out on two-thirds of my queen mattress. The comforter is halfway off the bed, exposing his muscular bare chest, and a visible tent makes my duvet stick up.

Jesus Christ.