Page 37 of Of Light and Dark

"Um..." I glance at the phone and back at Rhys. "Yeah, can you help me with the aloe? And I'll need one of your shirts. The doctor said to wear only loose clothes for now."

Nate's voice filters through the headphones. "I’ll let you go. We'll finish our conversation later."

I'd rather talk revenge plans with him than deal with another cop, but I don't have a choice.

We say our goodbyes while Rhys goes to get something for me to wear, and I get ready to give my statement.

To my surprise,the police officer had the names of all five girls when she walked in. Five, not four, which made everyone’s jaws drop. The female cop, who introduced herself as Officer Martinez, was accompanied by Agent Camden. She informed us that the school handed over the security footage. The attackers were traced back by who entered and didn't leave the locker room after P.E. The girls—one senior, two juniors, and a sophomore—gave their statements last night and ratted out the fifth member of my attack squad—another junior. Number five was the one who manipulated the shower by shutting off the cold water in the maintenance room. How the girl knew where to go and what to do remains under investigation, but in the end, they got released into their parents' custody. All of them have been suspended, effective immediately, and Camden commented that they most likely will be expelled.

No one asks me if I want to press charges, which I do, but apparently, it was already done. The girls admitted to the attack. Their reason: I seduced the school's QB, aka my adopted brother, and ruined his and the school's reputation.

What the fuck?

As soon as Officer Martinez concludes her report, shouts erupt around me.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"That’s complete BS!"

"That fucking cunt!" Which comes from Rhys and earns him a good tongue lashing from Heather. She does not want to hear the C-word in this house. Tristen remains quiet, as usual.

I watch the scene like a passive observer. Everyone is basically foaming at the mouth, but the small crescent-shaped indentations on the insides of my palms are the only visible sign of how I feel about this.

"Are you saying someone else is behind the attack?" Camden inserts herself.

Rhys balls his fists on top of the kitchen table and growls between clenched teeth, "This was all Kat. She's a fucking psycho. Her mindless bitch followers did what she would never attempt herself."

"That's why there were four in the locker room! Everyone knows Lilly can put any guy at WH on their ass in less than a minute," Wes adds. The last part is spoken with a proud undertone, and I can't suppress a tiny smile.

I'm lucky to have friends like them in my life.

"Do you have proof for your accusation?" Officer Martinez tilts her head.

"We don't need proof. The Wicked Bitch has had it out for Lilly since Rhys broke up with her," Denielle snarls.

Heather purses her lips but doesn't chastise Den for her choice of words—probably because she thinks the same.

Camden glances at Heather and Tristen before her gaze settles on my best friend. "Without evidence, Officer Martinez cannot bring Miss Rosenfield in."

She believes my friends, but she's right. They can't touch Katherine unless one of her minions comes clean. Rhys's ex may be an evil, manipulative—not using the C-word despite it being an accurate description—but unfortunately, she's also smart. That's how she got where she is in the WH hierarchy.

When I don't jump on the blame-the-ex train, all eyes land on me.

Chewing on the inside of my lip, I remain quiet. Heather scans me with concern. My friends look at me in disbelief, most likely wondering why I don't back them up.

Martinez reads my silence as me being upset. "Miss McGuire, I ensure the responsible parties will be held accountable."

Yes, they will.

Rhys and Den both snort sarcastically, and Wes mumbles something along the lines of, "Yeah, right!"

Only Tristen sees through me. I swear this man knows more than he lets on. Way more! And in this case, he is right. Katherine Rosenfield will pay, and I'll get my revenge. Though, I won't admit that here. She talked five students into attacking me. Of course, they could've said no, but their actions of taking the blame speak for the fear Katherine Rosenfield has instilled in the female population of Westbridge High. They ruined their futures for the approval of one girl.

We finish our statements, Denielle's taking the longest since she was the one that saw the most. The entire time, Tristen's gaze doesn't leave me.

When we’re done, Officer Martinez takes more pictures, in addition to the ones the hospital took yesterday, followed by Camden walking her out. I guess since the female agent basically lived here for weeks on end, I shouldn't be surprised how casually she moves around the house.

Heather gives me a careful hug. Our relationship is still on thin ice, but I let her. She busies herself with an early lunch, roping Denielle into cutting the onion for her, and Rhys and Wes are deep in conversation with Tristen when I head upstairs.