Page 40 of Of Light and Dark

"You did not just do that," I exclaim, peering at him between my fingers.

"If that wasn’t a wake-up call—" He winks.

At that precise moment, the alarm goes off, and both of us burst out laughing.

God, I love this boy so much.

Everyone isat school or work. I try to pass the time, but I can't concentrate on anything for more than a few minutes, and by lunchtime, I am so bored that I cave. Typing my name into the search bar, I expect all kinds of results, but not this. With Rhys and me not giving them more ammunition in the kidnapping or incest category, the attack already being covered, and the FBI not releasing any leads toward the capture of The Babysitter, the media begins to grasp at straws. And said straw is my little sister.

Is Natty McGuire a Victim of Parental Neglect?

Reading the headline,my pulse skyrockets, and my fingers clench around the edges of my laptop.

A source brought to our attention their suspicion of Natty McGuire, the younger adopted sister of The Babysitter’s first victim, Lilly McGuire, being neglected by her parents.

Tristen and Heather McGuire have previously been under crossfire for condoning the relationship of their son, Rhys McGuire (18), and their underage, adopted daughter, Lilly McGuire (17). The secret affair was exposed by very incriminating photographs leaked by Westbridge High's students via various social media accounts.

Since then, Tristen and Heather McGuire have issued a statement regarding the accusation of turning a blind eye to the relationship, which resulted in the case being dropped.

How the McGuire family was able to evade legal actions, despite the evidence presented by an undisclosed source, is currently being questioned by several enraged Westbridge residents, as well as other members of the press.

This morning, our office received reliable evidence that during all this, the youngest member of the McGuire family, Natty McGuire, is being neglected by her family. Not only was she deposited at a family friend's house the entire time her older sister was held captive by The Babysitter, but she also has been banished to her room whenever she is home.

What the fuck?

I stop reading and take in the picture below. Natty sits in her window on the second floor, reading a book. She is content. I know my little sister; this is where she spends most of her time. Her room faces the backyard, which is enclosed by a tall privacy fence and several trees lining the edges of the adjoining properties.

Did someone sneak onto our property to take that photo?

I scramble to my bathroom, digging under the sink for the phone.

The line rings twice before George picks up. "Miss Lilly?"

Adrenaline level through the roof, I stammer, "I"

"Miss Lilly, please calm down." His voice is quiet. Professional.

I inhale slowly and exhale at the same count before asking, "Did you see the article about Natty?"

The sharp intake of breath tells me he hasn't. "No. I was busy with a different matter, and Nate is in meetings all morning. I assume he hasn't been able to read or act on it yet. I would be aware of it if he had."

Shit, shit, shit.

"I need to talk to him." I don't remember if there are cameras in the yard, and even if George knew, he can't pull up the footage.

"Let me see what I can do." George disconnects without a goodbye.

I remain sitting on the bathroom floor, chewing on my thumbnail. I don't have to wait more than five minutes before the burner begins to vibrate in my hand.

Knowing my brother will drop everything when necessary, I don't check the screen for his number before answering. "Someone was in the backyard!" My voice borders on hysterical. Thank goodness I’m alone in the house.

"What do you mean?" Nate’s confused question is accompanied by footfalls.

"Th—there is an article about Natty. That Heather and Tristen are neglecting her. Someone took a picture of her sitting in her window." I rush everything out. Nate is familiar with the property’s layout.

"Fuck!" He doesn't say anything for several moments until a car door slams in the background. "Okay...I'm going home. Tristen doesn't have cameras besides the entrances and inside the house, nothing pointing at the house or far enough away from it, but George put up surveillance all over the neighborhood. I'll go over those.

"Can I help somehow?" The thought of sitting here useless makes me want to scream. Even in my sitting position on the bathroom floor, my knees won't stop bouncing.