Page 69 of In the Dark


I knew if I argued it’d just result in a massive fight, and to be honest, I didn’t intend to pay any attention to Kat, so whatever. But in my hormonally-guided, eighteen-year-old guy brain, I didn’t even consider how Lilly would take me showing up with her.

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. I want to kick myself in the balls for my stupidity.

Maybe I’ll have Wes do it. I deserve it.

When Denielle left me to hurry after Lilly, I went to find Kat. Leaning against my car, she was typing furiously on her phone, looking up when I approached.

"Why are we here, Rhys?"

Oh joy, first name.

"Because I wanted to support my sister." I forced myself to show no emotion—not how Lilly’s reaction had unsettled me and not how much Kat’s entire presence annoyed me.

She gave me one more glare before her entire demeanor changed. "Don’t forget Meghan’s party tonight. We’re all meeting at Chop’s Diner at seven and then heading over to her place."

Uh, what?

I just stared at her.Maybe she has ADHD?Something I’d considered before, because how can one person switch topicsorpersonalities that quickly? Or she doesn’t give a shit about me. The party, however...I knew Meghan had been Kat’s rival for cheer captain for a while, and I was sure she had something planned.

"Yeah, sure." I was too exhausted to argue or let her know that I wouldmost definitelynot be there. I planned to be at home, hopefully talking to the girl I love.

My phone has been buzzingsince six, but every time I see it’s neither Lilly nor Denielle, I put it back down, not bothering to read the messages.

When there is still no sign of Lilly by eight, I head downstairs andcasuallyask Mom. She holds my gaze a little longer than usual before replying, "Lilly is staying at Denielle’s."

Without another word, I turn on my heel and make my way back upstairs. I don’t have it in me to put on a show. Lilly is hiding at her friend’s house. What am I supposed to make of that? My chest tightens. I rake my hands through my hair and grab my jacket from my bed. Halfway toward the door, a voice in my head chastises me.What are you doing? Running off to a chick you can’t stand becauseyourgirl doesn’t immediately come home and throw herself at you?

Not knowing what’s going on with her makes me ball my fists, and I fight the urge to kick my desk chair across the room. Is this how Lilly felt two years ago? My anger and frustration instantly deflate, and I put my jacket back down.

Another sleepless night is ahead of me.

It’searly afternoon when I hear the garage door open and close, andsomeone—insert air quotes here—is trying to quietly sneak upstairs. She’s here. Mom and Dad are gone, and we could finally figure it all out, but she remains upstairs. I try to concentrate on my movie, but my gaze keeps wandering to the ceiling. We have to talk eventually; she can’t avoid me forever. Okay, maybe she can. I managed it pretty good for two years.

I hope she’s not that good.

Finally, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, and my body starts tingling all over. But the footsteps halt. She’s making a run for it again.Fuck.Then, something falls down the stairs in a loud clatter, and I’m instantly off the couch.

I skid to a halt at the bottom step. Lilly is halfway up the stairs, pale as a ghost, with her hands in front of her mouth. Her eyes are wide. The last time I saw this look on her face was in the middle of the night in our hotel room. Every rational thought leaves me, and I take two steps at a time until I reach her. Without thinking, I pull her into my arms, and she returns my embrace without hesitation, shaking like a leaf. I feel my blood turn to ice. Something is seriously wrong. Her face is pressed against my chest, and she holds on for dear life. I have one arm wrapped around her back, and the other holds the back of her head. My thumb is moving back and forth, trying to soothe her.

"Babe, what happened? What’s wrong?" I murmur.

Lilly clutches even tighter, it’s almost painful. She mumbles something that sounds like, "He’s back," but my brain doesn’t comprehend her words.

I pull back to frame her stricken face with my hands. Tilting her head upwards, I search her eyes. "He who?"

All she does is glance toward the bottom of the stairs where I now see her phone.

That’s what made the sound.

I guide her to sit on the step and disentangle myself to retrieve the phone. I settle down on the same step and hold it out for her to unlock it. Without paying attention, she presses her thumb on the button, and a text message appears on the screen. I look at each picture until I get to the caption at the end and finally understand.

He is back.


I pullLilly upright and lead her to my room where we both sink down onto the bottom of the bed. She pulls her legs underneath herself, and I lean forward with my forearms on my thighs, head low, staring at the floor. I have no clue how much time passes. I’m scared shitless, and the same thought runs through my head over and over.