Page 77 of In the Dark

We chat about school and the invitational last weekend. I conveniently neglect to mention that Rhys was there. I tell her about Denielle and Charlie and how they deal with their long-distance relationship. Heather loves both of them and always wants to know how they are.

"Denielle might visit him during spring break. Since Charlie has come home twice, she wants to see his life there."

Heather nods. "That’ll be fun."

I’m stirring the tomato sauce when Rhys announces his entrance by dropping his gym bag in the middle of the kitchen with a loud thud. My back is toward the room, and my body goes on high alert, which almost makes me lose my grip on the spoon.

"Honey! I didn’t expect you home this early. Why aren’t you at Wes’s? Or Katherine’s?" Heather’s tone is pure delight.

I don’t turn, knowing my flushed skin will betray me. I need time to compose myself. As if my embarrassing behavior in school wasn’t enough today. God, I hope it’s not going to become a pattern whenever he’s around.

"Wes is at home, and I broke up with Kat."

Rhys’s reply is as casual as if he were talking about what he had for lunch.

I’m so shocked by his response that I drop the whole oregano container into the sauce. "Shit!"

"Everything okay, sweetie?"

I still make no move to face the room, and I hear Rhys chuckle. That ass.

"Um, yeah, it just slipped out of my hand."

The next question is directed at Rhys again. "What happened?" Heather doesn’t sound upset or broken up about it. I know she never liked Kat very much.

You and me both, Heather.

I fish out the oregano, and I swivel on my heels, wanting to see Rhys’s face when he answers.

He gives a one-sided shrug. "It just wasn’t right. Hasn’t been for a long time."

And with that, the topic is closed. Heather nods in understanding and moves on. Did she know that his relationship was all for show? I guess a happy dance would be inappropriate, right? Even though I’m pretty sure all of us think about doing it for different reasons.

"Are you eating with us?" The question slips out before I can stop myself.

Three sets of eyes are trained on me, two in various expressions of surprise. Yes, I know I haven’t openly talked to Rhys in years, butcome on. I try not to scowl at their looks and raise my eyebrows instead...waiting.


Ha! Rhys’s cheeks have turned bright pink, and I give him my biggest Cheshire grin once Heather’s back is to me.

He shakes his head, smiling, and walks out of the room with his gym bag draped again over his shoulder. My phone vibrates in my sweater pocket, and after glancing at Heather, who is pulling plates out of the cabinet, I sneak a peek.

Just wait until later. ;)

And with that, I resemble a red traffic light again.

Dinner is,thankfully, uneventful. Natty monopolizes the mealtime conversation with stories of her ballet lessons and what her teacher has planned for class next time. A few times, I chance a peek at Rhys, and every time, his eyes are focused on me. His eyes sparkle with the earlier threat, and heat ignites in places I’ve never experienced before. I press my lips together to prevent myself from grinning.

I’m putting the dishes in the dishwasher when Rhys excuses himself upstairs, and Heather calls after him, "I’ll see you in the morning. I’m going to turn in early since I got up with Dad this morning."

"‘Kay, night," he calls back and disappears.

Chapter Thirty-Three

I can’t getout of the kitchen fast enough. Whenever Mom is busy talking to Natty during dinner, I risk a glance at Lilly, and every single time, her hazel eyes immediately snap to mine. It’s like she senses my gaze. Add to that the unspoken emotions in her eyes—ones I never thought I’d see directed at me—and it takes every ounce of self-restraint to notclaimher right there—on top of the kitchen table. I groan inwardly.

Yeah, that would go over well.