Page 80 of In the Dark

Was it that terrible?I know I don’t have a ton of experience, but—

He shifts, and his hard length pushes against me. "Babe, if we keep going, I won’t be able to stop myself. And apart from the fact that we are in the living room, I want to do this right."

"Oh." My reply is no more than a breath. Relief replaces the paranoia. I didn’t do anything wrong.

Why am I so insecure?

Rhys continues in a low tone, "I have never felt this way with anyone, and after this, I doubt I’ll ever get enough of you. Not now that I’ve had a taste." He gently nips at my lower lip again, and his voice holds a promise that makes my body grow hot all over.

Still in his lap, a girlish giggle escapes me. I barely recognize myself, but I’ve also never felt this giddy. I wrap my arms around his neck and place a kiss right behind his ear.

Rhys shudders. "That’s what I’m talking about. How am I supposed to act like we don’t speak to each other when all I want to do is this?"

And with one swift move, he tightens the hold on my waist and flips me over. My heart races as my back is pressed into the couch cushion, and he hovers above me, propped up on one elbow. An even louder giggle escapes me, and my hands fly to my mouth, trying to muffle the sound. We both look to the ceiling, waiting to hear movement, but when nothing happens, our gazes lock again. His eyes shine with glee. He is completely carefree at this moment, and I relish that I did that to him.

We stare at each other. Hiding a grin, I say, "We’ll have to be strong and do our best to ignore each other. Otherwise, I’ll do..." I let the sentence trail off, and Rhys looks at me with raised eyebrows.

I let the internal, mischievous grin appear on my face, and his eyes widen when I grab his face between both of my hands, wrap my legs around his midsection, and use my entire weight to pull his mouth to mine again. He lands on me with an "oof" sound but immediately opens. When our tongues start moving together this time, a deep groan escapes him. His reaction makes me wanton. I arch up, pressing my chest against his, and he rolls his hips against me in return. Heat pools in my core.Oh, my God.Still propped up on one arm, he caresses my thigh with his free hand, moving up my side and rib cage. I want him to touch me everywhere.

We continue for what seems like hours, and I can’t get enough. Rhys makes me forget all the drama and angst my life consists of these days. I lose myself in the moment. Right here, right now, we’re just a girl and a boy in love.

When the clock announces midnight, Rhys hesitantly pulls back. "I think we both need to get some rest, or we won’t fool anyone very long."

He has moved away, sitting on the edge, and I push myself up into a sitting position, pouting.

He barks out a laugh and places a kiss on the tip of my nose. "My dick is not happy at the moment, believe me. He wants to be inside of you bad." He glances down to his lap and back up to my face with a cheeky grin; my breathing instantly increases as a visual forms in my head. He continues, "All I care about is making this work for us. I’ve waited too long, and we need to figure out theothersituation first."

The other situation. That’s a nice way of putting it. What other new couple deals with a child-kidnapping stalker and the whole world believing your boyfriend is your brother? He is right. It’ll take a lot for us to make this work, not just being head over heels in love.

I huff and nod. "We’ll figure this out together."

He takes my hand and places a kiss on the inside of my palm. "Together."

At the topof the stairs, we let go of each other, but before I can reach my door, Rhys pulls me toward him and places a soft kiss on my lips. "Good night, babe."

"Good night, boyfriend."

A wide grin spreads over his face, and I close my door after taking one more look at him. I lean against my door and touch my fingers to my lips. I can’t stop smiling.

Chapter Thirty-Four

I skipped my workout.I haven’t missed a pre-school workout idea. I couldn’t fall asleep until after three. My mind kept wandering to a certain blonde girl across the hall. The taste of her lips, the smoothness of her skin, how her legs were wrapped around me, that hot-as-fuck little whimper she made when I pulled away. The list goes on. I had to take my second cold shower of the day after we parted in the hallway. But even after my body finally settled down, I was unable to fall asleep.

Waking up from a much-too-short night, I’m exhausted. My eyes burn like the time I helped Mom chop jalapenos and rubbed my eyes without washing my hands—fun stuff. None of that can put a damper on my ridiculously good mood, though. I catch myself humming in the shower—talk about being a lost cause. I bang my forehead against the tiled wall while letting the water run down my face.

At the same time...I. Don’t. Care. I would’ve never in a million years expected those three words to come out of her mouth. Her mouth...A groan instantly escapes me. All I want is to kiss her senseless, the taste of her tongue...My body’s entire blood flow is immediately redirected below the naval, and I glance down. Fucking great. I turn the lever back to cold and hang my head.

How on earth am I going to make it through school?

I’m puttingon a white T when someone knocks on the door and opens it an inch.

"You decent?" Mom’s voice comes through the small gap.

I bark out a laugh. "Depends on what you call decent. All theimportantparts are covered." Boxers and t-shirt are in place; I haven’t gotten to the rest yet.

The door swings in, and Mom’s head appears. "Why are you still at home?"
