Page 82 of In the Dark

I follow Kat toward the side entrance that leads directly to the art studios. From across the lawn, Wes tracks my movement, giving me awhat-the-fucklook, and I shrug.

When we reach the building, she takes a step back, as usual, expecting me to open the door for her. I don’t have it in me to argue; I want this over as quickly as possible. Kat ducks under my arm as I make room for her. Her hand brushes along my abdomen in the process, right above the waistband of my jeans, as she disappears inside. It’s a gesture that, at the beginning of our relationship, got me ready and going; now all it does is make me feel cold and dirty.

Before trailing after her, I scan the parking lot and immediately zero in on a set of furious hazel eyes. With her stance wide and hands balled into fists, Lilly is planted next to Denielle, staring back at me. She shows zero emotion on her face, but I can see the hurt written all over it.

FUCK. Shit. Fuuuck.

I don’t want to follow Kat. I want to go over to Lilly to ensure she doesn’t interpret this as anything it isn’t. But I can’t. I can’t act differently.

Wanting to slam my fist into the brick wall of the building, I give her one last look.

I hate this.

Kat waitsfor me with her arms crossed, and we make our way to one of the smaller art studios a few doors down.

"What do you want?"

She saunters closer, sliding her hands up my stomach to my chest. "I want you, baby. You’re just confused for whatever reason, but deep down, you know that we need to be together. I’ll forgive you for your momentary lapse in judgment."

Is she serious?

I have no patience for her games. Plus, doesn’t she realize that I know all of them? We were together for years.

"Need?" I raise an eyebrow. "You meanyouneedmeto keep your position at the top," I say, deadpan.

That gets a reaction out of her, and she moves a step back, looking at me in disbelief. Yeah, I guess I really never talked back to her. I never needed to.

Her green eyes blaze with something I recognize immediately. Fury. She doesn’t like not getting her way.

"What the fuck is going on with you? Are you doing this because of your sister?"


I feel myself pale but am able to compose myself—I think. "What does Lilly have to do with this?"

She puts her hands on her hips and snarls, "First, she shows up at your match, and youtalkto her. I don’t hear from you at all over Christmas break. You drag me to her idiotic gymnastics meet, followed by you breaking up with me. Oh, and don’t forget that you didn’t go on the ski trip as planned, and no one saw youor your sisterduring that time. Notice a pattern here?"

Why does she have to start paying attention all of a sudden? She hasn’t given two shits about what I’ve done for years.

"How— She is my sister; we talk."Amongst other things, but she doesn’t need to know that. "You and I do our own thing during breaks. Since when did that change?" I catch myself before I question how the hell she knows about the ski trip. I don’t remember talking to Kat about my plans before Christmas break at all.

"How do I know?" Of course, she doesn’t let it go. "Do you really think I don’t make it my business to know wheremyboyfriend is?"

I want to laugh in her face. I’m ninety-nine percent sure she has banged someone else during every break we didn’t spend together, and she’s pulling the boyfriend card?

"You always texted, even during breaks." She stomps her foot and looks like a little girl. I almost feel bad. Almost.

I try the reasonable route. "Kat, I can’t do this anymore. We were never about the happily ever after. It was about convenience, and you know that. We would’ve parted ways anyway once the year is over." I’m almost pleading. She has to acknowledge this.

"So? You found someone more convenient?"

I have, but that’s none of your business.

I sigh. "No, I’m simply tired of pretending we’re something we’re not."

"You will regret this! We had plans." The venom drips from every word. No one dismisses Katherine Rosenfield, and I just did.

After one more glare, she spins around and storms off.