Page 94 of In the Dark

I look down, wary of what I see in her eyes. "Kat."

Wes cocks his head at me, and I give him a nod.Go ahead.

Once he’s halfway down the hall, Kat hooks her arm around mine, holding onto my bicep. The gesture is similar to what Lilly did this weekend, but the emotion it stirs in me is so very opposite. I fight the urge to dislodge her hand from my arm but don’t want to cause a scene with half our class around.

Tucked away in a nook that leads to a supply closet, she lets go and faces me. I slip my hands into my front jean pockets and wait.

"I’ve been watching you." Unlike last time, she doesn’t try to grope me, which I’m grateful for, but her tone hints of a deeper meaning.

"Okay," I drawl, appearing bored with this exchange.

"You’re doing a much better job, but your little sister is slipping." Her voice is sweet and taunting, dripping venom at the same time. She is planning something, and knowing her, it is nothing good. I lean back on my heels and raise my eyebrows.

Do. Not. Show. Weakness.

"Nothing? Well, let me put it this way. The creepy eye-fucks your little sister is throwing your way all the time are dis-gus-ting. What do you think will happen when others start noticing?" The question is spoken with a malicious smile on her face that makes me want to throttle her.

Deep breath.

"Kat, I have no clue what youthinkyou’re seeing, but I wouldn’t spread rumors you can’t back up." My tone is controlled, but I make sure to put as much force behind it as possible. We’re on the same level when it comes to social hierarchy in school, and she knows it.

That makes her smirk even more. "Oh, sweetie, I have no intention of spreadingrumors."

With that, she walks around me, dragging her hand across my pecs, and disappears into the crowd.

I remain tucked in that corner until well after the bell rings, trying to get my racing pulse under control.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

It’s beenover three weeks since I sent Lilly the text message. I did not anticipate still being in Virginia. After flying home for the Shelter for Kids charity event, I was called to the Florida location to check on the remodel—something Hank easily could’ve done without me, but had I not gone, it would’ve raised questions with my nosy-as-fuck partner. I keep telling myself that I’ve waited ten years for this; a couple more days won’t make a difference. I’m methodical. I plan. But I’m growing impatient.

Tonight,I’m sitting in my penthouse suite, propped up by three pillows on the king-size bed, computer in my lap, reviewing some of the pictures and footage again. I want one more picture for my next message to Lilly. Scanning the school surveillance footage, an idea starts forming. The school has made it easy for me to track all the key players with the obscene number of surveillance cameras they installed two years ago after an unnoticed bullying incident. The parents of the targeted kid were—unfortunately for the school—very influential and very connected residents of Westbridge and, for lack of a better term, raised hell. Now, something that was installed to protect the students has given me access to information I probably would’ve missed otherwise.

Lilly spent this weekend at her friend Denielle’s house together with Rhys and their other friend, Wes. I found he is a close friend to both McGuires’ but was Rhys’s friend first. Over the last week, Rhys has gone back to staying at Wes’s house, and I assume it has to do with Tristen McGuire being back in town after a two-week business trip. I’m itching to find out what’s going on behind the walls of Lilly’s current home, but Tristen and Heather seem to be almost as paranoid as I am when it comes to protecting their family. There is nothing to be found besides the official public records. Nothing on a personal level. It fills me with pride and curiosity that Lilly has been kept safe under their roof for so long.

Thanksto a few perfectly timed photos and the school’s video, I now understand why Rhys was the one to show up with Lilly in California. Though, the only other people that officially know seem to be the two best friends. Add to the mix Rhys’s absence at home whenever Daddy Dearest is in town, and I am convinced that this is (A) a new development and (B) Heather and Tristen are not aware of or agree with it.

All these things make my new plan almost laughably easy. I do have some reservations executing it this way. I don’t like seeing Lilly hurt, but I don’t see another way to isolate her and get her home. The timing has to be perfect, though, so once again, I can’t rush things.

I’m aboutto put together the next message for Lilly when my personal phone rings. Checking the caller ID, I’m relieved that for once it’s not Hank with any more work issues, but Margot. I haven’t talked to her since yesterday, and I expected her call this evening.

"How was your day, sweetheart?"

"Darling, I’m glad I caught you. I wasn’t sure if you were still working." Not that that has ever stopped my fiancée before from demanding my attention.

"I’m just looking over some information for the current project." Not a lie.

"Oh good. Do you think you’ll be back in two and a half weeks? Celeste is having a party for her twenty-ninth birthday." Twenty-nine? Didn’t she celebrate that three years ago? Though, that’s a question I most definitely won’t ask.

Celeste is my buddy Julian’s fiancée. Julian is one of the few friends I’ve kept around and who doesn’t care about my past. It also helps that we enjoy the same things. Cars, motorcycle, airplanes, anything fast—and women. We both had our fair share before settling down. It’ll be good to see him; with my travel, it’s gotten difficult to get together regularly.

"I should be back by then. Tell Celeste to let Julian know that I refuse to let him win this time."

"Darling," she chastises. "You know how I despise when you two do that. What if something happens?"

"I know, sweetheart, but we are extremely good at what we’re doing. Nothing will happen."

That just gets me a sigh. "I know I won’t be able to stop you."