Page 84 of Marrying a Cowgirl

James laughed as he grasped Constance’s hand and they followed after Dianna. “Do you think we should tone it down?”

Constance shook her head. “Nah. It’s good for her. Besides, when she ends up falling in love, we’ll be able to rub it in her face.”

They made it to the front entrance of the club and Shane waved James over to the ladder. “I’m going to need your help getting this stuff up there.”

A car pulled into the parking lot, wheels crunching against the salt that had just been distributed to melt the ice. James glanced over his shoulder just as it came to a stop and a tall man wearing jeans and a fur-lined red jacket emerged. He waved toward Shane, then moved to the back of the car.

“I didn’t think you had much family—none that you were close to.”

Shane glanced once more toward the newcomer. “I don’t. That’s a friend from college.”

“You have a friend coming to visit you at Christmas time?”

His friend smiled. “Is it so surprising that I might have more friends than you? Perhaps I was only being nice to the lowly, local veterinarian.”

James slugged Shane in the arm.

“Hey!” Shane laughed. “But to answer your question, no. He wasn’t really coming to visit for Christmas. He wanted to bring his son out here.”


“They’ve had it rough. His wife left him and now he has to raise his son alone.” Shane’s gaze bounced to the newcomers. “His son has autism. He’s quiet, and he struggles with his social skills, but he’s really smart. I told Tristan that his son might benefit from visiting. They’re going to stay for the next month in one of the new cabins I built.”

James dragged his attention back to where Tristan had pulled a boy who couldn’t be more than seven out of the car. He was bundled up in a coat and boots, but from this distance he couldn’t see much.

Dianna headed toward them and James turned to Shane. “Is that why you’ve requested to have Dianna working full-time this month?”

Shane glanced at him as he put his first foot on the ladder. “Of course. What other reason is there?”

James bit back a smile. “Constance is going to be sorely disappointed. She thought the two of you were hitting it off.”

Shane shook his head. “You can tell her I make it a point not to date my employees. If she wants to match her sister up with someone, she’s going to have to look elsewhere.”

James gave him a pointed look. “You know as well as I do that there is no telling Constance what to do. If I were you, I’d just try to steer clear of her.”

His friend laughed. “Okay, point taken. Now, are you going to help me get Santa’s sleigh on the roof? Or am I going to have to find a new best friend?”

“Who’s finding a new best friend?” Constance said as she walked towards the ladder.

James was looking over her shoulder toward Tristan when he answered her. “I’m not, but looks like Dianna might be.”

Constance turned around to see Dianna and Tristan shaking hands and looking at each other alittlelonger than one might expect from total strangers.

He didn’t look like Dianna’s type. But she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t hoping Dianna was the next sister up for love. Because Constance was bursting at the seams with happiness with James and the thought of forming a family with him. And she couldn’t help but envision a dreamy future of her and her sister’s kids running around playing with each other on Slate Rock Ranch.

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