He smiled at me. "So many questions. I need a place to stay for a few days." Then he touched my face, his fingers curving around my cheek and I shivered for his hands were cool. He rubbed my skin with his thumb, his eyes on my mouth. "Are those your parents?"

"Yes. They're leaving tonight for Berlin. My best friend Chelsea’s staying with me for the week."

What the hell? Why did I say that? I shouldn’t be telling him anything…

"Perfect timing. I'll be back. Don't say anything to anyone about me. Not even Chelsea. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I said even while my mind rebelled against it, but somehow, I agreed not to say anything. I tried to say "I'm going to tell my parents about you..." but the words wouldn’t come out of my mouth.

"Good. Don't worry. I won't hurt you. I've run into a few..." he said and paused as if choosing his words carefully. "Complications. I'll stay at your place," he said and pointed up to the cottage, "just until the complications work themselves out."

"Why here? I mean of all places?”

He smiled. “I’m on the lam and need a place where no one will look for me.”

“On the lam?” I said, confused. When I frowned, he bit his bottom lip as if deciding whether to tell me.

“I’m hiding. My usual haunts aren’t safe.”

“You can't stay in the house," I protested. "Chelsea will see you."

He touched my cheek again and this time he didn't smile. There was something darker in his eyes - something heated.

"You can hide me under your bed."

When I made a face, he laughed lightly, his eyes twinkling. Then, he grew more somber once more, his smile disappearing. "What about the guesthouse?"

"How do you know about it?" I said, unnerved that he knew about the guesthouse.

"I just know. I’ll stay at the guesthouse.” He stood and stared down at me for a moment. “Until later." He turned and walked down the beach towards the surf.

“You’re a vampire,” I called after him, instantly regretting it. I realized that might not be a good thing to say.

He stopped abruptly, his head down, but he said nothing in reply. Before my eyes, he disassembled into a thousand parts, back into the swarm of bats flying off until they disappeared into the darkening clouds.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it. Was he really a vampire?

Everyone read stories of vampires and other mythic creatures as a kid, but I thought they were only stories. A sense of dread filled me that now I was forced to admit they were real.

I walked back up the path that led to the cottage, my knees weak, my hands shaking. When I entered, I stood at the sliding door and watched my mother, who was busy portioning up lasagna for the week. She was wearing her "travel outfit" -- a khaki dress with low-heeled shoes, her dark hair pulled back in a high ponytail. She even had a fanny pack fastened around her waist.

"What's the matter with you?" she said while she covered a container with plastic wrap. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

Not a ghost, I thought to myself. A vampire. Of course, the words wouldn't come out. Instead, I shrugged.


Then my cell pinged and I checked my messages. Chelsea had just driven through Waldport and would be at the cottage in less than ten minutes.

"Chelsea's almost here," I said, tucking my cell back into the pocket of my sundress, useless in this summer without sun.

"Good," my mom said and wiped off the counter. "Your dad and I have to leave in less than an hour. We're staying at the hotel near the airport overnight and will be flying out early tomorrow morning. You and Chelsea will have a great time. Girl's week. But no parties."

"Mom, I don't know anyone. Who could I party with?" I forced a smile I didn't feel while my mind screamed "There's a vampire flying around in the clouds waiting until you go. Don't leave!"

But nothing came out.

I was so in trouble...