“And maybe it is. But Renard Kowalski, an expert on the tunnels of Project Riese, works at the castle. At least he was still working there a couple of years ago when I spoke to him. He’s the one you’ll want to talk to.”

Sam picked up the map, where Castle Ksiaz was circled, showing it to Remi. “Date night in Walbrzych?”

“So romantic. Tunnels, flashlights! I can wear my designer boots again!”


Tatiana stepped outside the airport doors into the crisp autumn air, took one look at Viktor’s face, and knew there was a problem involving the Fargos.

Taking the suitcase from her, he placed it into the trunk, then opened her car door, closing it for her after she was seated.

“What happened?” she asked once he was behind th

e wheel.

He checked his mirror, pulled out, before answering. “I won’t bore you with the details other than to say we underestimated the Fargos. They realized they were being followed and managed to lose our tail.”

“The Fargos bested you?” she said, looking over at him in surprise. “What happened to all these highly trained men working for you? Surely you had more than one set of eyes on them?”

“We did. But they were . . . distracted by the shooting at Königsberg castle.”

“I thought I told you—”

“It wasn’t us.”

“Then who?” she asked.

“No doubt Rolfe or someone from his entourage.”

“He’s here? How?”

“If I had to guess, he flew into Gdansk, then drove over the Polish border. Had he flown directly into Kaliningrad, we would’ve known.”

If the Fargos were here, it stood to reason that Rolfe would also be here. He had the courier bag, after all. “I should have anticipated.”

Several seconds of silence passed. She glanced over at him, saw his jaw clenching and his knuckles turning white on the steering wheel. Clearly, he was blaming himself.

“Where is he?” she asked.

“Rolfe? We followed him to a house about thirty minutes’ drive outside of town.”

“And the Fargos?”

“They’ve left Kaliningrad.”

“To where?”

“We’re still working on that.”

She weighed her phone in her hand, thinking about how to salvage this mess. “I have an idea.” She called a number, letting it ring. “Rolfe, darling . . .”

“Tatiana? To what do I owe the pleasure?” he said, sounding anything but pleased.

“I’ve just arrived in Kaliningrad for business. I understand you’re here as well.”

“How is it you know this?”

“Did you really think that a man of your reputation can just waltz into my territory without anyone noticing?”