“Thank you,” she told him, then to Rolfe said, “I now know where the Fargos are.”

Leopold eyed the old man through the open door. “How?”

Tatiana took her time, pleased to see that Rolfe’s gaze was fixed only on her. “Here in Kaliningrad, it’s easy to forget you’re in Russia. But being Russian, we know it’s not the beating or killing that buys cooperation. It’s the threat of what can be done to their family once they’re no longer around.” She glanced at Leopold, who quickly looked away. Apparently, he was sore at being bested. She turned her attention back to Rolfe. “I have contacts everywhere, including the police and the government.”

“Impressive,” Rolfe said.

“As I mentioned, Rolfe, you need me.”

“For now.”

“Perhaps I should clarify. You need me if you want to do business in my country. Ever.” When he said nothing in response, she knew she’d won the immediate battle and nodded for Viktor to remove the man from the room. “Should there be any more information to be had, we’ll find out and let you know. Assuming we have a deal?”

Rolfe watched as Viktor led the old man toward the front door. “What did you learn?” he asked after they were gone.

“As I said, I know where the Fargos are.” She waited a beat to let that settle in. “That is what you were trying to discover, was it not? Of course I must assume you know that the Fargos are also searching for this treasure. They have a map in their possession with a specific location marked on it. In Poland.”

“Poland?” He eyed the vodka in his glass, mulling it over. “Forty percent.”

“Half or I find the Fargos and the map on my own.”

“You forget that you don’t have the Guard working alongside you. Considering that Russia no longer controls Poland, the advantage is mine.”


“Perhaps you know them by their older name. Werwolf. Leopold’s men are as bloodthirsty as their title implies.”

Trying to hide her surprise, she flicked her gaze toward Leopold, then back at Rolfe. “And what makes them special?”

“The Guard,” Leopold said, his cold blue eyes staring at her as though he’d be glad to rip out her throat right there, “have men in every country in Europe. You tell me where in Poland and I will have twenty men ready at a moment’s notice waiting for the Fargos before they even arrive.”

She studied the bearded man before returning her gaze to Rolfe. “Fine. Forty percent. But I’m coming with you.”

“You don’t trust me?” Rolfe asked.

“I expect the feeling is mutual. Like you, I’ve been searching for this for too long. I’m not about to let it slip away.” She made a point of looking at her watch. “It’s late. I have a few business matters that can’t wait.”

“You can’t leave,” Rolfe said, following her to the door. “You haven’t told me where in Poland the Fargos are headed.”

She wasn’t about to pass on that information, yet. “Since Leopold said he only needed a moment’s notice, I insist on waiting until we’re ready to leave. I’m sure you understand. That whole trust issue. Shall we meet back here in, say, two hours?”

He reluctantly agreed, and she left. Outside, she found Viktor waiting, the engine running. “Where’s the old man?”

“In the trunk.”

“Any problems?”

“Turns out, he was far more cooperative than I could have hoped for. What happened after I left?”

“I’m in for forty percent.”


“I wasn’t in a position to bargain. How can I, when I know nothing about this Wolf Guard? Werwolf. Did you know they still existed?”

“I’d heard rumors of them in Germany, and even Poland. But not in Russia.”

“Well, Leopold, obviously, runs them. He came from somewhere.” She glanced at the house as they pulled away and saw the very man in question watching from a window. “I want to know everything there is about this Leopold Gaudecker and his group. He claims given any location, he can send men to find the Fargos with very little notice.”