My fingers dragged over the thick white canvas of the tent as I made my way around it. There were decorative pillows all over the place, and I didn’t know what they were there for, but they were soft and comfortable.

Slipping out of the large tent, I made my way to the second one. It was much, much smaller than the first. All there was room for within it was another one of the thick pads that I assumed were meant to be used as beds. It was lifted slightly off the ground, and there was a pile of heavy blankets as well as a pair of pillows on top of it. The blankets weren’t at the same level of luxury as the ones in the large tent, and that made me feel slightly less out-of-place.

So, when I grew tired, I ate a few more of the dried food items before I zipped myself into the small canvas tent. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to sleep in the undergarment I wore, I stripped that off and tossed it to the side of the strange bed before slipping under the blankets.

The soft fabric stroked my skin as I slid inside, the blankets soft and smooth in a way that nearly made me groan.

Was that comfort?

None of the inns had soft blankets like that, or thick cushions to lay on—was this a royalty thing?

Or was it just something everyone had, outside of inns?

I knew most fae had their own homes or apartments; did they all own blankets and cushions so comfortable?

It took a few moments for me to adjust to the newfound softness, but eventually I relaxed into the bedding and managed to fall asleep.


My growling stomachwoke me in the morning, and I stumbled out of the tent blearily. My gaze somehow managed to skip completely over the swaying smile-shaped fabric bundle tied between two trees as I beelined it toward the place I knew the food was located.

Plopping down on my ass on the floor, I tugged the lid off and pulled out some cheese and bread. After a few bites of each, I eyed the foods separately, and then stuck the cheese between two broken pieces of bread and bit down.


Footsteps sounded outside the tent, and I sighed inwardly.

The king ducked his head inside, and I froze.

His gaze landed on my face, sliding down my body a bit before he quickly lifted his eyes back to mine.


I hadn’t put clothes on.

My cheeks flushed; clothes were definitely required now that I was outside the prison.

“Naked early-morning snacking. Nice,” Namir remarked.

If I wasn’t so embarrassed, I would’ve been fighting a grin at the joke.

I glared instead, hoping it would get rid of him. “What are you doing here?”

“Invading a naked breakfast, it seems.” He turned to face the forest, so he clearly wasn’t checking me out. “Don’t stop for my sake.”

I cursed inwardly.

Why wasn’t he leaving?

After swallowing my bite, I spoke again. “What are you doing out here, I meant? You own a castle, if I remember correctly.”

“I told you, I protect what’s mine.”

My eyes drifted down his gorgeous, bare back, to the white pants he wore that clung to his backside.

I forced them upward, like he had.

“I amdefinitelynot yours.”