When the morning came around,I woke up first. Namir’s erection was still pressed against my backside, and I wanted to get up before we had an awkward conversation about that. So, I slipped out of his arms, pressing on his shadows to convince them to release me.

Though they seemed reluctant, they finally parted, and I slipped out of the blissfully-warm cocoon we’d created for ourselves.

The morning air was brisk, so I wrapped my arms around my abdomen as I peered up at the moon. It was a crescent, at the moment. And damn, I loved the way it reflected across the stars. It reminded me of Akari—she held the Night King’s magic, and when she used her magic, she glowed like the moon’s light.

The shadows came out to meet me again, though there were far fewer of them than there had been while we walked during the night. My lips curved upward, my eyes closing while they tugged at my hair and wrapped softly around my torso.

A groan came from the shadowed bubble behind me, and I didn’t turn around as Namir stumbled to his feet.

“I hate mornings,” he grumbled to me, shoving messy strands of dark hair out of his eyes. “Have I ever told you that?”

I bit back a snort. We’d only known each other a couple of days, and had only had real conversations two or three times. “No.”

“I’m sure you’ll hear it again. Jesh tells me the only things he expects from me are my stubbornness and my hatred for mornings.”

“I agree with him on the stubbornness,” I tossed back.

“Are we heading back to the castle?” Namir glanced around the forest, as if trying to regain his bearings.



I hadn’t decided.

“I’ll tell you when I figure that out.”

Namir nodded agreement, walking beside me without complaint. “Did you bring any of that dried fruit?”

I wished the answer was yes, but I’d been too determined to sneak out.

“I’ll take that as a no.” He bobbed his head. “I know what we can eat out here. We’ll be fine.”

At least there was that.

We walked all day.When I asked if anyone would worry about him being gone, he brushed it off with an explanation that he always disappeared once a week or so, for peace and quiet. And that since the people who would worry about him knew we couldn’t kill each other, they wouldn’t wonder whether or not he was alive.

I figured that was as good an answer as any, so I kept walking. We weren’t really headed anywhere specific, just weaving through the forest. And we didn’t see any predators or large animals coming for us; I assumed they were scared off by the magic that emanated from both of us.

“So, the scars,” Namir said, as the day began to end. It was almost time to stop for sleep, but I was putting it off, because sleep meant snuggling with the king again.

And despite his words, I did still think his fated mate would mind him cuddling with me.

My defenses rose. “What about them?”

“Where else are you scarred?” he checked.

I scowled. “Why?”

“Because clearly, you were chained. I’d like to know where.”

My scowl turned into a scoff. “If I tell you, you won’t prod for more answers?”

“I won’t.”

“Fine. My wrists, ankles, and waist.” I dragged a finger over my abdomen, the location I had memorized by heart. Not because of the scar that circled me there, but because of the golden cuff that had wrapped around me for so much of my life.

“Stars, Diora,” he growled at me a bit.