I strode back to my bed, my body thrumming with a feeling I’d determined had to be lust. What else could the damned discomfort be?

Namir’s eyes tracked me to the bed, but he finally stepped into the bathroom. He didn’t close the door behind him, but I didn’t watch him strip—my apparent lustiness sure as hell didn’t need the assistance of that mental image.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but this time, the sleep didn’t come.


I triedto toss and turn silently, so Namir wouldn’t hear. My brain kept trying to come up with what the bastard might look like in that shower, naked and wet, but I’d never seen him without his clothes on. And since I’d never seen any other man naked, either, my imagination had nothing to work with.

When the shower shut off, I flopped to my stomach and tried to ignore the curiosity tugging at me to roll over and get an eyeful of Namir’s naked body. He’d seen me bare a few times already, but never on purpose on either of our parts.

I was a bit sweaty beneath the blankets, that infuriating lust making my lower belly ache. I didn’t even know what I was lusting for, other than that Namir definitely had it. It pissed me off, but I tried to ignore that too, because I sure as the stars wasn’t doing anything about it that night.

My eyes were closed, and I acted as if I was asleep when I heard Namir’s footsteps on the stone floor. They were quiet, but not so quiet that my overactive mind couldn’t keep up. I knew he didn’t have any clean clothing, and I’d been clear when I told him I didn’t want his dirt in my bed, so it was safe to assume that he would slip beneath the blankets with me just as naked as I was.

And that only made my body clench harder, in more frustration.

I was used to pain and discomfort, but this was something else entirely.

Not pain, but a severe discomfort different than any I’d ever experienced.

The bed didn’t dip as Namir rustled the blankets. I heard a quiet groan when the blankets moved down my back a bit, flashing a bit of my bare ass, but the king didn’t do anything about it.

Instead, he tugged the blankets back up, and got comfortable on the empty side of the bed. The mattress was plenty large enough for both of us, despite his massive size.

After a few long moments of me still pretending to be asleep while struggling to control my damned lust, I felt a brush of Namir’s shadows on my bare arm.

The tension in my lower belly relaxed instantly, and I began to breathe deeply again.

My shadows reacted to his, and I heard a soft sigh from Namir’s side of the bed. Our magic would make sharing space a bit easier, I supposed.

His shadows continued to slip over my skin, and eventually, I managed to fall back asleep.

When I wokethe next morning, I felt completely disoriented.

Wrestling my eyes open, I forced myself to look at my surroundings—and found myself staring at Namir’s neck and muscular shoulder.

I was definitely still on my side of the bed—but he was most certainly not.

At some point during the night, I’d rolled to my back, and he’d rolled on top of me. His body was draped over mine, his chin tucked against my neck and shoulder while his forehead was against a pillow. One of his arms was draped over the mattress, the other buried under the pillow we were both laying on. And his legs—fuck, his legs.

One had been slung over me, just far enough that his erection was nestled between my thighs, a little above my knees.

My entire body nearly burst into flames at the feel of his hardness there.

I needed an out.

A fast, fast out.

But… how? The man weighed an assload, and was very securely wrapped around me. He hated mornings—and his rhythmic snores reassured me that he was still very much asleep. There wasn’t a chance in hell that I could roll away from him.

And what options did that leave me?


Namir had turned completely to shadow before. My monster had done it when I escaped my prison, too, so I knew I could also do it.

I would just need to focus.