“I know him better than most. I might be able to give you advice,” she remarked, unzipping a palm-sized, round case as she gestured for me to stand in front of her.

“Noted,” I drawled.

She grinned, but didn’t call me on it again. “So you just want to trim the ends?” She picked up strands of my tangled hair, inspecting the ends. “Or do you want something entirely different?”

I studied my reflection in the mirror.

I’d had long hair my entire life; it would feel strange to remove it. Maybe a good type of strange, though.

But was I ready for yet another change? My life had been full of them lately.

“I’ll think about cutting it off,” I finally said. “But right now, I don’t know if I’m ready. Let’s just trim the ends.”

She nodded. “Of course.”

Lavee dragged her comb quickly through my hair, tugging out knots. She seemed to be watching to see if I felt any pain as she did so, but I was far too used to being yanked around by my hair to flinch at a bit of combing.

“Do you still want me to tell you about sex?” Her eyes remained on my hair as she spoke.

I sighed. “No. I think we’re figuring it out.”

Her eyebrows shot upward. “Then why the hell was Namir so bothered?”

I debated keeping it quiet, but figured she really might have useful ideas. “Have you had sex before?”

She snorted. “Plenty. It’s been a long while, but it’s not something a person forgets.”

“Namir and I didn’t go all the way, I suppose. Just touching and whatnot. But when we were kissing, he bit my lip, and assumed I’d hated it and was angry with him. Even after I told him I’d liked it, he was still upset. He didn’t believe me.” I shrugged. “So we’re in a fight, sort of. But he’s still trying to act like his playful self.”

Lavee’s expression grew thoughtful. “Do you want my true feelings, or should I soften them?”

“I am not a soft person, Lavee,” I grumbled back.

She grinned. “You can call me Lav. Most of my friends do. And… I think Namir probably scared himself.”

I blinked. “He what?”

“He’s the youngest of the three brothers, and he never makes offensive moves against Laith and Espen. Honestly, I think he’s hoping one of them will call for a peace treaty of some sort, so he doesn’t have to hurt either of them. Maybe with you, he lost himself to his passion for the first time in his life, and it scared him. Of course, that’s just me thinking aloud.” She pulled a pair of small shears from the case she’d brought. “Stare straight forward and try not to move.”

I followed her instructions. “You know him far better than I do.”

Lavee made a noncommittal sound. “I’m not sure anyone really knows Namir. He doesn’t speak of his past, and as I’m sure you’ve realized, he refuses to acknowledge any potentially pessimistic future. When Jesh or I try to get him to open up, he shuts down. You’re probably the only person he’ll truly let in, given how long he’s been waiting to find you.”

Her words surprised me… but not in a bad way.

“What would you do, if you were me?” I asked, curiously.

She laughed. “I would already have fucked him.”

I couldn’t help but laugh with her. “He’s gorgeous,” I admitted.

“If you like the muscled, grinning, pretty-boy type,” she teased.

“And what do you prefer?” I countered.

Her gaze grew a bit forlorn. “The massive, rough type unfortunately.”

“Are you talking about Jesh?”