“It’s just me.” The Shadow King lifted his hands up in surrender.

Just him?

The tall, muscular, gorgeous king of the damned court?

“What do you want?” I snarled at him.

He couldn’t take my magic, and I couldn’t kill him, so what was the point of being there? I needed to find a place far from other living creatures, where I could survive without hurting anyone else.

“You didn’t kill anyone, back there. Thought you might want to know that.” His hands slipped into his pockets, and he strolled, barefoot, closer to me. The man seemed even bigger, now that we were out in the forest. Despite what had just happened, his shoulders were relaxed and the bottom hem of his pants swayed slightly around his ankles, drawing my attention to the muscular thighs they outlined. “I kept them alive.”

My magic swelled within me as he came closer—the threat of him.

Stars, he was huge.

“Stay where you are.”

He stopped. “I know how difficult it is to control my magic. The power within you belongs to me—I held it for the first seventeen years of my life. I had to give it to you, to survive my father’s death and the court’s magic that was transferred to me.”

“So what?” I tried to stop snarling, but the beast in me was strong, and angry… and afraid.

“So I can teach you how to control it. Show you the methods I used to keep it at bay, until I’ve conquered my brothers and can remove most of it from you.”


He nodded once. “You were an infant, and you were dying. I suppose you don’t remember, but I’ll never forget. There wasn’t enough magic in your blood to sustain you, then. I’ll leave you enough to survive, when I reclaim my power.”

I scoffed. “I don’t want your magic.” Standing up, I brushed my dress off frustratedly. All the movement truly did was smear blood over my hands and more of my dress, but I ignored it. I wasn’t exactly new to blood. “You can’t guarantee me anything; I’m not staying here.”

When I turned and took a few steps into the forest, the king jogged up to me, sliding between me and my nonexistent destination. “Wait.”

“No.” I stopped anyway, because he was in my way.

“You need food, right? Clothing? Shelter? I can put you in my castle, make sure you’re taken care of at least. I’ve been searching for you, you know. Ever since you disappeared.”

“Sure you have,” I drawled, stepping around him.

He slipped back in front of me, his hands out in front of him. “Really, I have. I’ve had people out looking for you since that day. I fell unconscious after I gave you my magic, and by the time I woke up, you’d already been taken.”

I scowled. “Why would I believe you?”

“Because you tried to kill me, and I didn’t stop you.”

My hands found my hips, and I glowered at him. “You sensed my magic as I transformed and knew I wouldn’t be able to kill you.”

His lips twitched.

Was he fighting a grin?


“I did. But I still let you try.”

“Get out of my way.” I brushed past him, headed further into the forest.

He caught up to me, and walked at my side. “If you won’t come into my castle, at least stay in this forest, where I know you’re safe from my brother. Laith wouldn’t take so kindly to the woman with his magic trying to end his life. And if he finds you, he’ll use you against me.”

I stopped. “Which one is he? Laith?”