I sighed. “I know. It’s crazy, right? I’m a monster, it’s not like I can just move away from my problems. But stars, it sounds appealing.”

She scoffed at me. “You’re not a monster; you’re a powerful woman who has been through hell and came out both sane and strong. You’ve never killed anyone who wasn’t a threat to your life, have you?”

I grimaced. “No.”

Lavee tossed a hand toward me. “Then as far as I’m concerned, you’re a hero.”

“You didn’t see the way Namir’s warriors were looking at me in the forest.” I shuddered. “Some of Laith’s fae would’ve surrendered. They didn’t all need to die.”

“Maybe they would’ve, maybe not.” Lavee shrugged. “But Iwasone of Namir’s warriors in that forest, and what most of us were looking at you with was awe, Diora. Not anything negative. We’ve all seen you wolf out before, but none of us have ever seen anyone fight so savagely. It was fucking incredible. And on top of the awe, we were pretty sore-assed, because you saved some of our lives with all those damned shadows that you haven’t trained to control, and most of us can barely wrap our swords with the magic in our veins after decades of training.”

I rolled my eyes. “That’s because Namir’s training you.”

“Right?” She flashed me a grin. “If I have to hear him tell me again that if I think my magic is a hand, it’ll move like a hand, I’m going to stab someone. Probably him.”

I snorted. “I wouldn’t blame you, or stop you. He seems to heal damn near instantly, anyway, so it’s not like his life would be at risk.”

She nodded. “Did he not tell you about the strengthened senses and abilities that come with the throne’s magic?”

I scowled. “No.”

Lavee sighed. “Bastard.”



She pulledher small knife from the sheath on her thigh, and started flipping it again, slowly. She seemed to be able to do so without even thinking about it, which was pretty damn impressive to me. I’d probably slice my hand off if I tried that.

“He’s faster than most people, and stronger too. Not just magically, but physically. He heals quicker on top of that, and has sort of a sixth sense whenever someone nearby is in danger. That last one might be related to the shadows though; he’s pretty close-lipped about everything, as you’ve probably realized.”

“He makes you feel like you’re the most important person in the world, but it’s a lie,” I growled. “He’ll keep things from you, and withhold information you deserve to know, acting like everything is fine and dandy and perfect. How much else was a lie?”

“He’s a king, Diora, and a good one at that. I agree that he should’ve told you the truth, but making everyone feel like they’re the most important person in the world while he’s talking to them is part of the role he plays to keep the peace in the kingdom. That’s the reason people love him.”

“I thought I was more than that to him. Just another one of his subjects.” A scowl twisted my lips further, my anger growing thicker in my chest.

“How would you teach me magic, if you were in charge?” Lavee asked. The subject change was swift, but not entirely shocking given our discussion a few minutes earlier.

“I don’t know. I don’t even really understand it.”

She nodded. “I don’t know that anyone does, except possibly Namir. Just humor me.

I sighed. “Fine. Give me a moment.”

Closing my eyes, I tapped into the magic swirling in my chest. It was reactive and wild to the extent where I had literally thought it was a life of its own. It was the most emotional part of me—not a hand, but an entirely different piece of my body and soul.

“Close your eyes,” I told Lavee, opening mine.

She dutifully did so.

“Put your hands on the dirt, and toss your knife a few feet away.” That part was just so she could get lost in her emotions more, but she did so without complaint too.

“I’m teaching you the way I feel my magic, so it might not work,” I warned.

“Shut up and teach me already.”

I snorted, and her lips curved in a grin.