Light flickered off Jesh’s skin as he stalked across the room, his sword clenched in one hand and his other formed into a fist.

The music stopped, and I saw shadows engulf the musicians for a moment as they slipped away from the upcoming drama. My king had their back, as he always seemed to when it came to his people.

“Damn,” I remarked, speaking both about Jesh and the easy way my man had shielded the musicians. My mind was still a bit clouded, but not clouded enough to prevent me from noticing the smooth way he reacted to the danger.

“If you’re checking him out, I’ll kill him,” Namir whispered into my ear, making me snort.

My king was possessive, but notthatpossessive.

When he turned his head to meet my cheek, I felt his grin against the side of my face, too, confirming my suspicions.

“Get your fucking hands off my mate,” Jesh snarled at the group of men, who were still circling Lavee—but now facing her pissed-off male. None of them were touching her any longer, but they didn’t make any move to step away.

I saw most of the men’s eyes flicker toward Namir and I before anyone reacted. I didn’t know whether they were checking to see if they needed to protect me, or to see whether or not Namir and I were there to protectthemif necessary, but I didn’t really care.

“Last I checked, you hadn’t claimed her,” Ander remarked, slipping an arm over Lav’s shoulder as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

More moonlight flickered off Jesh, light covering more of his body and flashing brighter by the second. “Tell them before I kill someone, Lav.”

She lifted an eyebrow. “Tell them what, exactly? That you don’t want me physically, and never have?”

Jesh’s light flickered brighter, and hotter. There was fury in his voice as he snarled back, “I havealwayswanted you.”

She lifted an eyebrow. “Right.”

He stalked toward her, his light growing brighter and bigger by the moment. “Back away,” he commanded the men.

They glanced over at Namir and I again, so quickly that I wouldn’t have caught it if I hadn’t been standing where I was.

I felt Namir give a small, quick nod, his cheek to mine though he still stood behind me, his arms wrapped around my front.

All of the men parted, giving Jesh and Lavee space—except Ander, who didn’t move.

There was a wicked gleam in that bastard’s eyes, and I knew he was going to play this out until the end. That made me like the guy even more than I had before.

“You. Are. Mine.” Jesh’s voice came out low and gravelly, and the heat in the room seemed to rise despite none of us having the elemental magic that other lands around us possessed.

“Prove it,” Lavee shot back.

Ander’s arm finally left her shoulder as Jesh’s magic exploded. Light flooded the room, but our shadows wrapped protectively around everyone else in the building, shielding all of us from the full extent of Jesh’s power. Namir’s hips continued swaying with mine just a bit, and my eyes closed as my body soaked in the intoxicating bliss brought on by both the alcohol I’d consumed and the feel of our combined magic surrounding me so thickly.

The shadows faded as Jesh’s light did as well, and when both types of night magic cleared enough for us to see in the room, my eyes widened as they caught on Jesh and Lavee.

He had her pinned to the wall, her arms above her head as he kissed her brutally.

“You’re taking me to bed, or I’m going to fucking kill you,” Lav snarled at him, as she pulled away for the briefest moment.

His teeth skimmed her throat, and he growled back, “I’m not letting you out of my bed for the next fuckingyear, Lav.”

And then their mouths found each other again, the moonlight and all-consuming darkness clashing together as their bodies did the same.

“Should we tell them to find a room?” I asked, fighting a grin.

“They’ll leave before they get to the good parts,” Namir said, his tongue, lips, and teeth moving slowly over the side of my neck. He added, “I hope.”

A laugh bubbled out of me.

Stars, the alcohol was strong.