“A kiss for luck, first,” I growled, snagging Diora’s waist.

“You’ve already kissed her for luck twice,” Jesh grumbled at me.

“Shut up, they’re adorable,” Lav shot back at her mate, elbowing him in the abdomen to shut him up.

He grunted, but quieted as I captured Diora’s lips in my own.

“I’ll be fine,” Diora promised me, her golden eyes bright and happy.

She had transformed over the last few months, coming to life more day by day as she settled into the knowledge that I loved her, and would always love her—and into the knowledge that she could control her magic, and would never be controlled by it again.

“Just be careful, please,” I murmured, my hand sliding over the sexy curve of her belly.

Our small life was growing within her, and I was more paranoid than ever because of it.

But my mate’s friend was important to her, so we had to do this—and it was worth the attempt for peace.

“I’ll meet you in the throne room,” she promised, squeezing my hand before she stepped away. The intricate braids she’d let me weave her hair into kept the strands out of her face and off her shoulders, showing off the curve of that gorgeous neck as she turned.

I shoved away my possessive instinct to whisk her away and lock her in a damned tower or something, both to ensure her safety and keep her as my own. Instead, I glanced at Lavee. “Ready?”

“Yup.” She flashed me a grin.

We would get my brother on-board with our peace plan…

Even if we had to use his fated mate to do it.

I prayed to the stars as we strode in like we owned the place that Akari had as much sway over Espen as Diora had over me, because there was a damned good chance we would need her.


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