Page 15 of Conrad

“I don’t know much about the ways of the Old Realm,” I told Horacio that night, when we stopped to make camp by a stream along the well-kept road. “Do you have any advice for me about what kind of friend to make and who to avoid during my time here?” I asked. I couldn’t think of a clearer way to ask about bedding arrangements, particularly with three young women settling into sleeping sacks on the other side of the wagon from us.

Horacio, who was packing up the things he’d used to cook and serve supper, glanced around the end of the wagon to see what the three women were up to and whether they were paying attention to us.

He must have been satisfied that they were oblivious, because he leaned closer to me and said, “I’ve heard that the ways of the frontier are much different from the ways of the kingdom.”

That flash in his eyes was more like a naughty boy than a grown and experienced man, but that wasn’t what had my brow flying up.

“I’ve heard the exact same thing about the Old Realm,” I said quietly, my smile growing.

“Is that so?” It was Horacio’s turn to look surprised.

My smile grew. “Why don’t you tell me what you’ve heard about handsome young men from the frontier and I’ll tell you what I’ve been told about muscular, solid men of the Old Realm.”

The curiosity and hunger that lit Horacio’s eyes nearly made me laugh. I had a feeling everything each of us had been told about the other was wicked, fun, mostly exaggerated, and about to be brought out, one way or another.

Horacio confirmed my suspicions when he said, “I’ve heard there are men on the frontier who like to take it the way a woman takes it.” His voice had dropped to a rough burr.

I leaned closer to him, knowing that Dushka would approve and that he would laugh himself to tears over this story.

“It’s true,” I whispered. I peeked around the edge of the wagon, but it was fully dark now, and the three women were either asleep or talking too low to be heard. “We also like to suck cocks.”

Horacio drew in a breath and let it out in a wordless growl.

“And I’ve heard that men in the Old Realm are ravenous and will fuck anything pretty, even if it’s right out in the open at a wayside camp.”

“That might be true, too,” Horacio growled. “Depending on if someone’s offering a nice, tight hole to fuck.”

I don’t know why I found the whole situation so fun. I had a feeling Neil would blanche at the idea of me offering my ass to a virtual stranger, and one who was bigger than me at that. Lefric would find it just as hilarious as I did, though, which is what pushed me on.

“Do you have any ointment with you?” I asked, arching one eyebrow invitingly at him.

I was a little disappointed when Horacio looked confused. “Ointment?”

I completely rethought the situation I was in.

“Women create their own lubrication,” I said, scooting closer to him around the campfire. Funnily, I now had personal experience with that particular trick of nature. “Men do not. And it’s not pleasant to be fucked dry.”

Horacio just stared at me for a second before blinking and drawing in a breath. “Oh,” he said, putting two and two together. He tilted his head to the side, thought for a moment, then said, “Would cooking oil work?”

Honestly, I didn’t know for certain. I’d never been caught without ointment before.

I shrugged. “Let’s give it a try, shall we?”

Horacio’s hungry smile returned. “I’ll just get it.”

I suppressed a laugh as I hurried to put away the last of the supper things and to spread out my bedroll. I doubted I’d be sleeping tucked up against Horacio’s side, snuggling away the night, like Agnes had done when she’d crawled in bed with me. I knew full well I was just a novelty to Horacio and that this wouldn’t be anything to write home about, literally. But I was game for the experience anyhow, and I was already learning things about the way life was in the Old Realm.

I had my boots and trousers off by the time Horacio wandered back to the fireside and my bedroll.

“How about this?” he asked, handing a small bottle to me.

His eyes dropped to my thighs as they jutted out from under the hem of my shirt as I took the bottle and removed the stopper. Clearly, Horacio had never fucked a man before, but his trousers bulged and he stroked his mouth as he watched me test the oil.

I rubbed the oil between my fingers. It wouldn’t be great, but it was good enough. My cock thought so too, as it was already half hard and pushing the bottom of my shirt away from my body.

Peter always like to tell the rest of us that he just liked being fucked, no matter how it happened, and even though I wasn’t as loud or obvious about it as he was, I loved it too. There was just something so sweet about having a cock pounding away in my ass. It made me feel dirty and bad, and considering how much of the rest of my time I spent being noble and responsible and good, those were sensations I craved.

I craved them as I poured a generous amount of oil over my fingers, then twisted away from Horacio, lifted the back of my shirt to show him my ass, and stroked that oil into my crack and over my hole.