Page 23 of Conrad

“He’s definitely not,” Leander said, his brow lifting in surprise.

Both Leander and Darius stood back and watched me strip. They even tilted their heads to one side—in hilarious unison—as I pulled off my shirt. There was a chance they were trying to shock me or tease me, as their new housemate, but if that’s what they were going for, they would be disappointed.

I undid my trousers, then leaned over to untie my boots and take them and my socks off, before pushing my trousers down as if I had nothing at all to be ashamed of. And I didn’t. My cock might not have been as big as Peter’s, and I might not have had the physique that Jace had, but I was attractive enough. And I had been naked in front of other men who wanted to fuck me plenty of times before.

“My, my,” Leander—I think—said, his eyes going wide at the sight of my naked body as I picked up my clothes and moved them to a shelf on one side of the room. “I think I like our new housemate.”

“Maybe Lulu can have the extra bedroom after all,” Darius—probably—said. “We could fit three in a bed, couldn’t we?”

I straightened suddenly from the shelf, the hair on the back of my neck standing up. For some reason, I’d assumed that if Leander and Darius were sharing a bedroom, that room would have two beds.

I didn’t want to think about the implication. Instead, sending them a saucy smile, I walked to the end of the pool where the stairs were.

Before I could set foot on the top stair, both of my new friends shouted wordlessly in protest and jumped after me. I flinched back, my heart suddenly pounding.

“What are you doing?” Darius asked.

“Bathing?” I wasn’t sure anymore.

The twins shook their heads, and Leander walked around the pool to the opposite wall. “Frontier boy,” he said.

I opened my mouth to protest the insult, but stopped before any words left my mouth when Leander grabbed some sort of a cord with a handle at the bottom that hung down from what looked like a sieve embedded in the ceiling.

My mouth dropped farther when he pulled the cord and a shower of water spilled down from the sieve. More than that, the water steamed faintly.

“What is that?” I asked, walking swiftly around to the manmade shower.

Darius came with me, and he and Leander exchanged flat looks, as if I were an idiot.

“Don’t they have showers on the frontier?” Leander asked.

“No, they don’t,” I said truthfully.

I held my hand out to the falling water. Leander let go of the cord, and the water stopped. I heard water running in the ceiling above us.

“How does it work?” I asked, taking hold of the cord.

“There isn’t time to explain,” Leander said. “Pull the cord and soak yourself.”

“The soap and rubbing cloths are right there.” Darius pointed to a small shelf embedded in the wall.

“Rinse off when you’re done,” Leander said.

“You can wash your hair better this way too,” Darius followed the thought.

“Then and only then, once you’re clean, can you soak in the pool and converse with your friends,” Leander said.

“Or do other things,” Darius added with the same sort of look for his brother that made me turn away in shock.

“Hurry up, country boy,” Leander said. He went so far as to slap my bare ass as he did, which I thought was incredibly daring of him, considering we’d just met. Then again, it had been brazen of me to strip naked in front of two men I didn’t really know. “We’ve got classes to go to, remember?”

I did as I’d been instructed—mostly because I was so fascinated with the shower—and pulled the cord to make the water come down. It was warm, but not as warm as I liked my baths, and it did a quick job of soaking me. I used my free hand to scrub the water through my hair, then over my face.

Once I was wet all over, I took the soap and a cloth from the shelf and set about washing. Leander and Darius stood where they were, watching me like I was a new toy they’d been given for Solstice.

“Shouldn’t the two of you be in a class or something?” I asked as I scrubbed. It felt so good to get genuinely clean that I nearly groaned with pleasure.

“We should be,” Darius—probably Darius—said, shrugging and glancing to Leander.