Page 43 of Conrad

He let go of my wrists and stroked his hands down to my ass, then grabbed it and held it open for Leander to tongue.

Once my ass was damp with spit, Leander rocked back and thrust two fingers into me. He wasn’t sweet or tender about it. I didn’t really want him to be. I came to Leander and Darius when I wanted to be fucked. If I wanted a cute little cuddle and a blow, either giving or taking, I would wink at one of the other students or one of the attendants in the bath. Whether the likes of Magister Titus and the other teachers and administrators knew it or not, the entire college was one big whorehouse where anyone could get whatever they needed with just a crook of their finger.

“I’ll make you forget, my greedy little frontier boy,” Leander said, moving and curling his fingers inside me to massage my prostate.

The sensation was powerful and confused my senses. It made me want to come, but wasn’t actually enough to accomplish the job on its own. Besides which, Darius had slipped a hand between us to hold my cock tightly at the base, increasing that urgent feeling.

“Fuck, fuck!” I growled, wriggling against Leander’s fingers, then trying to rub my cock against Darius. They held me too tightly to let me move much at all. “Let me come,” I whined. “Or fuck me. Or both.”

“Not yet, sweetheart,” Darius said, adjusting his hands to hold one around the top of my balls, pulling them away from my body, and keeping the other tight around the base of my cock. I thought of Jace and his toys, and of Peter and how he liked this sort of thing. “You came here to forget your troubles. We’re actually doing you a favor.”

That favor involved punishing me with sensation that had me squirming and my cock leaking all over Darius’s belly, but the twins working together to stop me from actually coming. It felt good in a bad way and painful in the best of ways, and they kept it up with merciless intensity until I was howling and writhing and begging them for release.

And then it went on a little longer. I was pretty sure they were getting off of the whole thing.

Finally, when my begging stopped being all in fun and I skated dangerously close to legitimately crying with the pleasure and denial they were dishing out to me, Leander moved his hand so that he could sink his cock into me, deep and hard. Darius stroked his hands up my sides and pinched my nipples with both hands while Leander thrust hard enough to give Darius friction on his cock, which was trapped between us.

I was so relieved to be fucked and allowed to come at last that I ignored the way Leander stretched over my shoulder to kiss Darius with an open mouth, thrusting his tongue into Darius the way he thrust his cock into me. I just gave up all control and shot cum into the mess of sweat and dampness between me and Darius as my eyes rolled back in my head with pleasure.

It was exactly what I needed to fall asleep at last. And I was out before Leander and Darius finished with each other. They could do whatever they wanted. My ass was wet and pleasantly sore, my muscles finally relaxed, and I nodded off as the bed continued to rock.

I woke the next morning, still in their bed, to the sound of Lucius banging on the door, saying, “Will you two get up? The wagon caravan is already at the gate, and Magister Flaccus wants to start off within the hour.”

That woke me almost instantly. I sat abruptly, detangling myself from Leander and Darius as they, too, slowly woke up, and stumbling off the bed to head for the door.

When I pulled the door open, Lucius was still standing there with a scowl. That scowl turned into a start of surprise, then a sound of disgust as he moved away, as if the twins and I carried the plague and he might catch it if he stayed near us.

I didn’t care what Lucius thought of how I satisfied myself these days. I stopped briefly in my room to throw on a robe, then dashed out across the cold path through the houses to the bathhouse to wash quickly in one of the showers. I wasn’t the only one rushing to get clean, not by a long shot, and I was willing to bet that I wasn’t the only one washing off evidence of the night before either.

Everyone in the house was rushing by the time I made it back. I’d packed my bag the night before, so as Leander and Darius dashed out to the bathhouse, Mara, Lucius, and I left to meet up with the rest of the students and teachers who were heading out to what I was sure was Aktau.

I was even more certain of that when I saw that one of the wagon drivers was Horacio.

“Master Conrad!” he called to me, entirely too cheerful for the early hour and for the mission ahead of us. “We meet again.”

“Horacio!” I called back to him, gesturing to Mara and Lucius that we should climb into the back of Horacio’s wagon for the journey.

“Your studies are going well, I presume,” Horacio said once I’d scrambled into the wagon and moved all the way to the back, near the seat.

“Very well,” I said, then went right on to, “Do you know where we’re going and why?”

Horacio’s good cheer was replaced by deep concern. “All I know is that something happened in the mountains. I was here when it happened, though. Been here in Royersford for three days. They took me off a mail run to have me cart you lot to Aktau to deal with whatever happened.”

“Any guesses?” I asked, keeping my voice low and looking around to be certain I wasn’t overheard.

Horacio shrugged. “Has to be a battle, doesn’t it,” he said. “I reckon the new army came across the old army, there was a skirmish, and you lot are needed to treat the injured.” Horacio glanced around too before adding, “We’ve been told to drive straight through, only stopping for fresh horses, so we get there faster.”

“Horses?” I blinked in surprise and realized that the wagon was, indeed, hitched to a pair of horses and not oxen.

“Horses,” Horacio said seriously.

Our eyes met, and I had the eerie feeling that Horacio and I were on the same side. The same side of what and who was on the other side had yet to be determined.

Leander and Darius made it out to the wagons just as Magister Flaccus was about to lose his temper and leave without them. We set out before most of the college was up and about their days, and really, before most of Royersford was awake.

The journey from Aktau to Royersford had taken three days back in the summer. It took slightly less than two now, with horses drawing the wagons and with no stops. Many of the students complained about the discomfort of the journey, about having to piss over the edge of the wagons as they moved, and about eating bundled food instead of anything cooked fresh.

It was hard to sleep in a moving wagon too, especially since there were six of us or more in the back of each wagon. I started to get tired of the complaints, as well as being sore and bruised, by the time Aktau appeared in the distance.