Page 76 of Conrad

I wasn’t going to do anything he didn’t want to do, but he didn’t know that. I reached for the jar of ointment—slightly annoyed that he hadn’t put the cork back in before setting it aside, so that a bit had oozed out and stained the bedcovers—and scooped two fingers through it.

Appius was already spreadeagle on his back, so it wasn’t that difficult for me to slip those fingers between the cleft of his ass to tease his hole.

“Oh!” he gasped, twitching and tensing as I pressed one finger against the pucker of his ass. He swallowed, glancing dubiously up at me, and said, “You’re going to…with your…right now…I….”

He was much too tight for me to do anything as cruel as fucking him then and there. Just like I needed to work my way up to taking Leander and Darius at the same time—which I fully intended to do—Appius needed a bit of play before he was ready to take my cock.

He didn’t know that, though. The wide-eyed look of worry that came over him as I pushed one finger past his tight hole, getting him used to the idea of something being in there, was priceless, though.

“What do you think?” I asked, grinning, but still feeling as though the entire world had spun out of control and we were fucking around because there was nothing else we could do while we waited to die.

“I…it feels….”

He didn’t go on, so I crooked my finger, finding his prostate, and teasing it.

That elicited a sound from Appius that managed to be both sweet and sultry. I liked it. I liked him. Liking Appius had never been the problem. I enjoyed having him around, and if not for Dushka and my friends, I might have considered keeping him more seriously.

I pulled out enough to add a second finger, and when I pushed back into him, Appius made another sound, spread his legs wider, and wriggled around as if examining and observing the things I was making him feel. He was starting to get hard again too.

“If I had known,” he began, panting, but he never finished. I rubbed harder against his prostate, almost hard enough to milk it, and he squirmed and moaned.

I was dripping by that point, and I didn’t feel like holding out much longer. I scooped a bit more ointment with my free hand, and in a show of dexterity that would make the other Sons proud, I managed to stroke myself while plunging my fingers into Appius and making him purr with pleasure.

I couldn’t keep that up forever, though. I let myself go, rubbing hard as I came close to the edge, then spilling all over Appius’s chest and belly while my fingers worked furiously. Appius’s eyes went wide as he watched me come, which was enough to send him into another, tight spasm that left both of us a mess.

I didn’t care, though. I didn’t care about anything. I fell to the bed beside Appius and pulled him against me, making a sound that I hoped was laughter.

“It works,” I gasped as I caught my breath.

“What works?” Appius asked, turning his head to me, though he stayed, sprawled and spent, on his back.

“Fucking to take your mind off of things,” I said, lying on my back as well and holding his hand, our fingers twined together.

Appius laughed. “It actually does,” he said.

We were quiet for a few minutes, as our breathing steadied and the sweat dried and cooled on our bodies.

It got a little too cold before long, so Appius rolled into me, and we lay in a tight embrace, sharing our warmth and our mess.

“Do you really think we’ll be able to escape from the college and from Royersford once the snow melts?” Appius asked in a whisper, his eyes so close to mine that I thought I could see into his soul.

The fact that he’d said “we” wasn’t lost on me.

“I don’t know,” I said with a shrug. I relaxed as much as I could, resting my forehead against his. “I have some friends, Peter, Neil, and Jace, who once escaped from a palace when people were hunting them by strapping themselves to the underside of wagons.”

Appius frowned. “I don’t want to be strapped to the underside of a wagon for three days,” he said. “And besides, they’d probably check something like that.”

I hummed in agreement. “We’ll have to figure out something else, then.”

There I was, using “we” as well. Maybe Dushka would be happy if I brought him a souvenir of the Old Realm.

If I made it back to him.

If I could even make it out of Royersford.


Achance to get out came far sooner than I expected it would, but much sooner than I was ready for.