I dress quickly, throwing on jeans, a t-shirt, and my boots, and get the hell out of my room. It’s still early, but there are already people shuffling around in the kitchen.

Thankfully, when I enter, I find that it’s only a few of the guys. I know they’re going to continue giving me shit about April, and I’d prefer that to be done without female witnesses.

“You look like the cat who got the cream,” Legend says the second I step into the room.

God… the cream?

April was so fucking creamy when I was done with her, the combination of our multiple orgasms spilling out her. I’d never felt like I owned someone as much as I did in that moment, and fuck if she doesn’t own me, too. I want her to possess me, to claim me, to make me hers.

Cannon smacks him on the back. “Leave the man alone. He just got home.”

Thumper watches from across the room, his ass leaned up against the counter with a cup of coffee in his hand.

“Besides,” Cannon continues as he stoops low to find something in the fridge. “He had to leave the day after he got married. This is practically his honeymoon.”

Jesus, I wasn’t even looking at it like that. When I agreed to marry April, I didn’t even let my mind go there. I was feeling all sorts of turned on that night in the hotel room. I said so many damn things in my bid to give her the level of honesty she wanted, but a honeymoon? Just thinking about the two of us alone on an island, the sun warming her bare skin. I groan under my breath as I walk toward the coffee pot. Maybe being around people isn’t going to be as helpful as I hoped it would be.

“Where is your lovely bride?” Legend asks.

“Work,” I mutter, the displeasure of it clear in my tone.

He chuckles but doesn’t give me a hard time.

I make eye contact with Thumper as I pour a cup of coffee, and then it hits me. Our rooms share a wall. The construction of the clubhouse is pretty decent, but there are just some sounds that seem to leak through.

The look in his eyes tells me that he knows… he fucking knows what happened in my room last night.

I stand in front of him, wishing we were alone, but knowing this can’t wait.

“It was completely consensual,” I whisper, praying the other guys in the room have found something better to focus on than me.

“I know.” He rolls his jaw, flexing the muscles there like he’s still not happy about it. “It’s not like I couldn’t hear just how consensual it was… all fucking night. Kind of weird being forced to listen to my sister-in-law getting railed all night.”

“Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” I snarl. “I wouldn’t talk about Cara like that, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you talk about my wife like that.”

He runs a hand over his mouth, and I narrow my eyes when I see he’s trying to hide a smile. Thumper steps around me, claps me on the back, and says, “Atta boy.”

He walks away, and I don’t know if I should be seething or proud that I seem to have passed some sort of fucked-up test. He’s well aware how I was before April showed up. He knows that I took the sexual freedom that came along with being a Cerberus member to heart, especially after what I was trying to build with Izzy didn’t pan out. I’m ashamed to admit I was a little wild. If a woman showed interest; I had her on her back at the next available chance. If there were two women who were interested? The more the merrier. If a girl wanted to have a little three-way action with one of the other guys? Say no more.

He knows me, and I think that’s why it has been so hard for him to wrap his head around me settling down with one woman and being content to stay that way. But I’m content. I’m settled. I have a wife and a baby on the way, and I can’t imagine being any happier than I am right now.

I down my coffee, drinking it all before it really cools enough, and get the hell out of there. I head to the garage where I can feel more like a man and less like a sad sap missing his wife because she’s across town and not in my arms.

Thankfully, Grinch and Legend join me because I quickly came to the conclusion that I’m not fully above imagining bending my pretty girl over one of these bikes and sinking balls deep inside of her. These thoughts lead to the realization that jacking off in the garage with her name on my lips wouldn’t be so strange.