I know he’s trying to prove that there’s more to us than just sex, and I’m doing my best to not get agitated by that. I can’t help it that he’s woken an animal inside of me that demands to be fed with regularity.

As we head for our date, he doesn’t withhold affection like I thought he was doing when we first woke up. Then, he was trying to give me space because he didn’t know where my head was at after yesterday. We hold hands in the vehicle, and on the way into the recreation facility. He snuggles up close when trying to give me putting advice even though he’s not much better than I am. Nate being awful at putt-putt makes him more human in my eyes, makes him more endearing. It’s nice to know he isn’t perfect.

“So, who won?” I ask as he hands our clubs back to the attendant.

“Depends on how you’re measuring. I gave you eleven kisses, and although you kissed me back every time, you only initiated eight kisses of your own. So do I win because you got more, or do you win because I gave you more?”

“So what you’re saying is that I won either way?” I wrap my arms around his neck, urging him to bend down because kissing him without climbing him is impossible if he doesn’t angle toward me. I dot kisses all over his face.

“I think we both win.” He presses his mouth to mine, deepening the kiss right there in the parking lot, uncaring of who is watching or walking by.

He lifts me into the passenger seat of the SUV, wasting no time to move in between my legs, but he shifts his hips away when I try to roll mine against him.

“Are you purposely trying to drive me crazy?”

He brushes his thumb over my bottom lip. “Because I won’t let you dry hump me in the parking lot of a family establishment while kids and their parents are trying to have a fun day?”

“You make it sound so scandalous,” I mutter as I lean back. I mean he has a point. I’m not trying to be inappropriate, but I lose my mind around this man. If this is how other couples are, I can fully see how they end up doing sexual things with an audience. “Why don’t you take me home where there aren’t prying eyes?”

He presses one more kiss to my lips before stepping back and closing my door.

Once he’s in the vehicle, he holds my hand, stopping for food because he knows as hungry as I am for him, I’ll never turn down French fries and anything covered in cheese. He frowns when I offer him a ten-dollar bill, but doesn’t seem to complain when I take my time stuffing it in his pocket and then patting all around to make sure it made it there safely. I know that money is going to mysteriously make its way back into my purse, but then I’ll move it to his wallet when he isn’t paying attention. I don’t do it every time, but marriages are fifty-fifty, right?

“We could go to the store and grab some things with those gift cards you’re pretending don’t exist.”

I shake my head, curling my lip up as I stuff French fries in my mouth. “That doesn’t sound like fun at all, besides, they’re all back home.”

“We can run home and grab them.”

“Okay,” I agree with a shrug.

“Yeah?” His smile is big as he looks over at me, but noticing the look on my face, he narrows his eyes. “What does that look mean?”

“If you want to go shopping after we get back to the clubhouse, alone in our room, with no prying eyes, then I’m completely okay with it.”

“You’ll have to keep your hands off of me.”

I shake my head. “No changing the rules now. The parameters have been set.”

He groans as if he’s irritated, but his foot gets a little heavier on the gas pedal.

Chapter 30


She has that look in her eye, the one that I’m reading as her feeling like she can solve every problem we have with sex. If I thought it would work, I would’ve found a quiet dirt road long before we made it back to the clubhouse.

Do I think she thinks she can hold on to me by always being ready to have sex? Yes. Is that the expectation? Not even close.

I want her that way every second of every day, but I don’t expect it. Not having sex won’t make me feel any different about her.

“I thought we were going shopping,” I remind her when she steps inside of the room and begins to pull her shirt over her head.

“We are. I just got sweaty while we were playing putt-putt. I need to change my shirt.”