“How long will they be here before we get back?” I ask because I don’t want April around men she doesn’t know. I know Kincaid, Shadow, and Dominic have vetted them, but that’s not going to bring a very high level of trust for her.

“Khloe has set up a room for April if she’d like to stay there,” Kid says.

“The new members are scheduled to be here in a week, so they will be on the property for several days before you guys get back. You know I’d never put anyone in danger.”

I nod. I can accept it, but it doesn’t mean I have to like people I don’t know around my pregnant wife.

“Are there alternate plans in place if April goes into labor early?” I ask, feeling like an asshole for taking over the meeting.

“We’ll have the jet on standby, waiting if you need it,” Kincaid says.

“Thank you.”

“Of course,” Kincaid says with a smile, letting me know that he’s not annoyed at all by my concerns. “Any other questions?”

Eyes dart all over the room, waiting to see if anyone else needs to speak up.

Thumper clears his throat, straightening in his chair.

“I know I didn’t come into the organization under the right circumstances, but I have been allowed to stay.”

“We want you here,” Dominic says, as if the man needs reassurance.

“I know, and I’m grateful, but—”

“No fucking buts,” Jinx snaps. “What the hell is going on?”

“Calm down, psycho,” Thumper mutters. “I was hoping I could… well… I wanted to know if the same courtesy extends to me that was extended to Apollo.”

I sit up straighter in my own chair.

“About the land and the ability to build?”

Kincaid smiles. “You want to build a house here?”

“I do, we do. I’m going to ask Cara to marry me, and I want to be able to explain what our future is going to look like. If it’s a no, then I need to work on getting—”

“Why would it be a no?” Kincaid asks. “You’re Cerberus. Of course you can build here.”

“Really?” Thumper asks, shock in his voice.

“Absolutely,” our boss replies.

“Thanks, man.”

“Well,” Rivet begins. “If they’re building, then…”

Cannon chuckles, and his woman snaps her head in his direction.

“You planning on asking me to marry you?” the young man quips.

Rivet narrows her eyes at him.

Shadow sighs, shaking his head.

“Like I’d ever want to marry you,” she hisses, but there’s a smile playing on her lips.

I swear to God, we’re in the middle of some foreplay scene between the two of them.

“No?” Cannon asks as he stands. “You don’t want five kids and a white picket fence?”

“Fuck no,” she growls as he crosses the room.

“Yeah, but she’s asking for someone named Mr. Packwood not you.”

My eyes snap in Legend’s direction, and he seems just as stunned as I am.

“What did you do?” I snap. The last interaction I saw between him and the attorney months ago at her office while we were there for the mediation appointment didn’t go well for him.

“Nothing. Well, I haven’t done anything since all that shit went down at the bar last month.”

Before I can ask further questions, he practically runs to the front door.