Theo could barely believe the offer had been well and truly made. No, it was not an offer, it was a demand. He thanked God that his boarding house room was so small, and twisted to carry Giles two steps toward the bed.

He hated letting go of the man, but they couldn’t do what he wanted while clothed. Giles allowed himself to be laid back on Theo’s desperately inadequate bed, immediately curling so that he could kick off his shoes. Theo took a step back and threw off his jacket and waistcoat, forgetting about them as soon as they were out of his hands, let alone wherever they ended up. He kept his eyes trained on Giles as the young man grinned amorously up at him, flying through his own buttons as if he couldn’t wait for Theo to undress him.

It was regrettable that they had to stop gazing at each other in fevered anticipation as Theo moved to the room’s single chair to remove his boots. He worked them off with as much haste as he could manage, then rushed through throwing off the rest of his clothes. He was aware of Giles moving on the bed, but when he finished undressing and stood again, his thick, proud cock standing up like a soldier ready for battle, the sight of Giles nearly knocked the air from his lungs.

The minx was completely naked and had positioned himself lying on his stomach over a pillow so that the smooth, pale peach orbs of his arse were on full display. His legs were spread in invitation, and his upper body was turned just enough toward Theo so that he could grin and bite his lip at him. Even more alluring, the little imp held a small jar in one hand that he offered to Theo as temptingly as he offered his arse.

Giles had known precisely what he wanted from him all along, Theo realized, and he’d come prepared. What was even more astounding was that Theo fully intended to take him up on the offer.

“You are wicked,” he said in a low growl, approaching the bed. Though he could never match Giles’s level of debauchery, he handled his erect cock as he walked, hoping the gesture looked as obscene to Giles as it felt to him.

It must have. Giles made a shivery sound of delight, then seemed to change his mind about his course of action. He abandoned his tempting position and, instead, knelt on the bed facing Theo with his legs spread wide. That was when Theo noticed that his minx was devoid of all body hair, which was in sharp contrast to his own body. Giles didn’t seem to mind at all, though.

“Come here, beast,” he ordered, as though Theo weren’t already at the edge of the bed.

As soon as Theo’s knees hit the edge of the bed, Giles reached for him. He ran his hands over Theo’s torso with a deep groan of longing, brushing his fingers through Theo’s body hair. “You’ve no idea what this does to me,” he gasped, then leaned forward to kiss Theo’s chest.

Theo sucked in a breath as Giles’s mouth met his skin. He had a hard time letting that breath out as anything other than a moan of pleasure as Giles teased one of his nipples with his lips and tongue and the other with his fingertips. Giles’s other hand was not still on top of that. It slipped down his side to his thigh, caressing Theo as though he were the most precious thing on earth.

Giles’s mouth and other hand followed that trail south. He kissed his way across Theo’s stomach, lowering and flattening his body as he did. Theo knew the little devil’s aim, but it somehow still came as a surprise when Giles cupped his balls with one hand and held the base of his cock with the other so that he could close his mouth over the tip.

Theo growled with pleasure as Giles licked the moisture from his tip, then drew him all the way into his mouth. He should have been scandalized as Giles took him deep, humming and choking just a bit as he did. The way the young man used his tongue and sucked made it clear he was practiced in that particular art. But Theo didn’t care how many other cocks Giles had sucked. He buried his hands in Giles’s angelic, blond curls and gripped tightly as he thrusted like his body told him to do.

Giles made a sound of surprise that turned into a moan of ecstasy—and uncontrolled gagging—as Theo used him. He couldn’t feel completely villainous about it, though, considering how every sound Giles made and every movement of his lithe body screamed that he loved it. Theo couldn’t drag his gaze away from the sweet pink of Giles’s skin or the long line of his back as it stretched with his movements. He most definitely couldn’t pull his eyes away from the roundness of Giles’s arse or the way his hips were tilted up and his cheeks spread wide in the awkward position he lay in as Theo thrust into his throat.

Everything taken together—the beauty of Giles’s body, the wickedness of his position, the wet warmth of his mouth, and Theo’s own desire, which had been denied for so long—were too much for Theo to stand against. Before he was ready, or even aware, his body coiled tight, then burst with release as he groaned. He spilled his seed deep in Giles’s throat, shuddering as he did. The convulsions of Giles’s throat around him made it that much headier, and by the time he was empty, he thought his knees might give way.

He staggered back, allowing Giles to gasp for air, then teetered forward and sank to the bed, unable to support his own weight anymore. The aftereffects of his pleasure were so strong that for a moment he was unaware of anything but the blissful, post-orgasmic throb that encompassed him.

When he was able to focus again, he found himself lying on his back, staring up at Giles, who now straddled his hips and his flagging prick. The look of wicked delight in Giles’s eyes and the way he wiped spit and Theo’s seed from his mouth with the back of his wrist was enough to make Theo’s balls twitch, as though they would find a way to go another round.

“Splendid,” Giles panted, leaning forward a bit to stroke his hands across Theo’s damp, overheated body. “But you thwarted all my carefully laid plans, and you must pay the forfeit.”

Theo grunted in question, too overcome to form words.

Giles grinned so mischievously that a shiver passed through Theo and he sat straight. “I said I would give you what you need if you gave me what I want,” he said. “You have not done that yet.”

Theo managed a confused look through his pleasure-haze.

Giles laughed and reached for Theo’s hand. He then brought it to his own cock.

Theo reacted on instinct and desire, closing his hand around Giles’s hard shaft and stroking. Giles moaned with pleasure that was likely exaggerated to paint a picture, but Theo didn’t care. His heart beat rapidly against his ribs as he pumped Giles’s shaft and watched the young man’s expression pinch into ecstasy. Theo didn’t care about the implications of the way Giles knew exactly how to arch his body to present the most alluring picture or that the way he caressed and pinched his own nipples was a show. Giles’s movements made him wish he was hard again so that he could follow Giles’s original plan and fuck him into oblivion.

It was almost as satisfying to stroke the little minx into orgasm, though. Just when Theo paused to consider that Giles’s pleasure was an act and that the young man couldn’t possibly be enjoying himself as much as he made it look and sound, Giles’s cries and movements reached a head, and thick streams of pearly essence erupted from him, spilling across Theo’s stomach and chest. It was mesmerizing to watch, particularly as Giles gave himself over to the pleasure so completely, and the amount of seed that spread across Theo was impressive.

At last, Giles collapsed over Theo’s torso, careless of the mess he’d left there. Theo didn’t mind either. He closed his arms around Giles’s hot, slick body and rolled him to the side so that he could cradle Giles against him. He watched with fascination as Giles caught his breath, his eyes heavy-lidded and his cheeks bright pink.

“You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” he asked when Giles seemed to come back into himself.

Giles smiled slowly and stroked a hand over Theo’s face. “Mmm. More than you could possibly know,” he said, still panting a little.

Theo didn’t know why he would do something so sentimental, but he surged into Giles, kissing him with a tenderness that he didn’t know he possessed.

Giles responded at once, writhing against him and threading his fingers through Theo’s hair. “My glorious bear,” he sighed when Theo let him have air.

Theo wanted to make a thousand promises to Giles. He wanted to tell him to leave Perdition and the sinful life he had there and to be with him, now and always. He wanted to promise that he would take care of Giles and see to his every need. He would treat him like a prince and lavish him with jewels and affection. Every night and day could be filled with the sort of passion they’d just shared and more.

But he couldn’t. He could barely pay his own expenses, thanks to the debts he still struggled to pay off and the tenuousness of his position with the Runners. He couldn’t offer Giles anything like the shelter and security that his minx likely had at Perdition.