“What did you call me?” Cora asked.

“Cora,” James said.

“Damon, stop it.”

“No, I’m not going to stop it. I get it. Cora has an issue with Teri. She has an issue that’s frankly none of her damn business. It’s between Teri, Dane, and Lucy. Not her, but she seems to think it is. The last time I checked, Cora, you’re no fucking saint, and James hasn’t been with anyone but you. Stop attacking her.”

“Are you going to let him talk to me like that?” Cora asked.

“You know I’m right, James. Woman or not,” Damon said.

“Cora, go and sit your ass down now,” James told her.

Teri felt so sick. This wasn’t why she came out here. She felt them all looking at her, judging her. The woman who was ruining the club, making them all suffer. This was not the plan when she moved to Greater Falls. Happiness was what was promised. Life here and at the club were making her miserable. It was making her ill. She had to put a stop to it, or things could get worse.

Damon turned toward her. “What’s the problem?”

She told him who Anna had said the father was. Who she suspected he was. After she finished telling them, she stood still, wondering what the hell she was to do.

Teri hoped she was wrong, but as she waited for James to tell her what to do, the man himself came into the waiting room, looking a little worried. The moment he caught sight of them, he paused.

There was no love between them.

“Fuck,” he said.

Ryan got to his feet, as did Dane.

David held his hands up. “I don’t want any trouble.”

“So you’re the son of a bitch who preys on innocent girls and leaves them high and dry?” James asked.

Teri stepped forward. “I don’t know if Anna will want to see you, but, if you follow me, I’ll take you to her.”

Damon grabbed her arm.

“I know what I’m doing. Anna called him,” Teri said. “She must have wanted him to come.”

A dad was still a dad.

David stepped past them, following behind her.

“Thank you,” he said.

Teri spun around and glared. “Don’t you fucking dare thank me. I’m doing this because Anna told me she called you. That is it. As far as I’m concerned, the only use you are to her is to get your damn credit card out and pay for your kid’s health care. If you hurt Anna, I will personally gut you. Do you understand me?”

He looked pale.

That was good as far as she was concerned. He needed to fear her. She would tear him apart if he hurt her friend.

Chapter Four

Cole made a speedy recovery in the hospital.

After three days, he was able to go back home with Anna. David stuck around long enough to see his son safe and to pay the medical bill. That was it.

Damon sat nursing a beer, thinking about Teri.

She kept the diner closed as she helped Anna at the hospital.

“Does Cora want my patch?” Damon asked.

“No. She’s pissed at what you did, but she doesn’t want your patch.”

Damon snorted. “I liked Cora in the beginning. Since she became a mother, she’s somewhat of a judgmental bitch. I don’t like it. Teri doesn’t deserve it. You know it as well.”

James sighed. “Look, Teri did what she did.”

“And it’s not club.”