
Dane watched as Lucy hugged their son.

Ryan wasn’t so bad to live with, but Dane did insist he spent the weekends with Lucy and Lewis.

He nodded at the man who’d fallen in love with Lucy. Dane had wanted to hate him. Had nearly caused Lucy a whole heap of trouble when he got back to Greater Falls.

The start of his return hadn’t gone well. He came back with a plan, a course of recompense, but the pain of knowing all that he lost had been too much.

Each day, he had to see everything he’d given up. All that he had lost. Dane knew he’d never been a good person.

Until it happened, he’d been a selfish, manipulative asshole. He had only seen what he wanted. Not cared what others had thought.

“Hey,” Lucy said.

“Hey,” he said, offering her a smile.

The person he’d hurt the most in the world was this woman right here. He shouldn’t have married her.

Lucy deserved a good man. Back then, he’d known she was a ray of sunshine. The kind of woman men took care of. She was a good, strong woman, and had proven it time and time again. He’d nearly broken this woman. There was a time he had her, but he had well and truly lost her. He saw the way she was with Lewis. It was the same way she’d been with him in the beginning.

“How is Ryan?” Lucy asked.

“He’s a good kid. Got a deadbeat for a dad. Hopefully, I can show him the error of that asshole’s ways,” Dane said.

Lucy chuckled. “You’re not a deadbeat, Dane.”

“You and I both know I have no right to call our children mine.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “He treating you right?”

“Yes. He’s a good man, Dane.”

He hated that Lewis was everything he wasn’t. Lewis had fallen in love with a woman who had not one, but three kids with a man. Dane couldn’t have done that.

“Good. If he … you know, if you’re ever in trouble. Call me.”

Lucy sighed. “Are you okay?”


“You seem different.”

He laughed. “Is that because I’m not at the clubhouse using the women for my own pleasure? Hurting you as I go? Being a complete waste of space?”

Lucy sighed. “Stop it.”

“I can’t.”

“Dane, you can’t change what happened.”

“Why don’t you want me to suffer?” he asked. “Why don’t you want me to be hurting? Most women would be. Let’s face it, Lucy, I wasn’t a good guy. I was an awful husband. I married you and not once was I…” He couldn’t bring himself to say it.


Chapter Eight

Sunlight streamed through the break in the curtain, but Damon had no interest in the morning light. Not when he had the most beautiful, sexiest woman in his bed.

Teri lay on her stomach. One arm beneath her head, the other flat on the bed, one leg kicked out to the side with the other straight down.

The blanket had ridden down in the middle of the night, exposing her back and the soft curve of her breast.

Damon laid his hand flat on her back before tracing a path across her breast. She released a moan, and he watched as she opened her eyes.