Anna nibbled on her lip, pressing them together. “That sounds fine. I mean, he was paying for Cole and he took care of the hospital bills. Cole should know his father, but…”

“What is it?” Richard asked.

Anna’s gaze went to Teri.

“You’ve got to tell him, sweetie. He’s on your side.”

“I … er, I don’t know if his interest is only because of what is happening in his personal life. He’s gotten a divorce, and was in the process of separation when I was with him.” Anna fidgeted as she talked. “I’m terrified that he’s going to try to take my son, get back with his wife and have this perfect family structure. I don’t have that. A judge would want that, right? For a baby. To have the perfect family.”

Teri pulled out of his arms and went to Anna, crouching down to be on her level. “Look at me. A judge wants to have a perfect family, but there’s no such thing. Okay? Every family has problems.”

“I’m alone,” Anna said.

“No, you’re not alone. You’ve got me and Kitty, and the club. We’re your family.”

“She’s right,” Damon said. He’d agreed to be here for James as he was dealing with some personal stuff.

“The club will have your back.” He smiled at Teri, hoping his presence was helping.

“Would that be a good thing?” Anna asked. “Don’t clubs have a bad reputation?”

“Most do, and the Dirty Fuckers aren’t exactly model citizens. However, they pay their taxes, are hardworking, and to be honest, they’ve brought some decent employment opportunities to Greater Falls. That’s a lot in their favor. David has troubles of his own. Let me see what I can do. We’ll meet in a couple of days, here? Same time?”

“Yes,” Teri said.

“You’ve got that thing,” Anna said.

“I’ll be back from that thing.” Teri squeezed her friend’s hand.

Chloe and Richard left. Damon noticed they were heading up to the clubhouse, probably about to go and enjoy some alone time together. The clubhouse also held a private section for a dominant and submissive element of the club. It was where Chloe and Richard had first met.

Chloe was the woman Richard had wanted. She had a submissive quality, and well, Richard was clearly the man she’d been waiting for.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” Anna said.

“It’ll be fine.” Teri continued to hold her friend’s hand, offering her as much support as she could. “Do you want to grab Cole and I’ll take you home?”

Anna got to her feet and Teri turned toward him. “Thank you for being here.”

He held out his arms, and she stepped right into them. “Anything for you, but you do know James sent me, right?”

“I know, but I’m so pleased he sent you. I don’t think I could have handled that without you.”

He kissed the top of her head. “You’re a strong woman.”

“Lately, it doesn’t feel like it.” Teri moved to the far wall, turning off the lights as Anna came out.

They walked out of the diner, Teri locking up as Anna went to the car to put her son inside.

“What was Anna saying before, about you having this thing?”

“It’s nothing. Just an appointment I’ve got.”

“Is everything okay?” he asked. He didn’t want her getting the morning-after pill.

With them now alone, he swooped in, picking Teri up in his arms and carrying her through to the bedroom. He kicked the door closed and Teri placed a finger against her lips. “Shh.”

“I’ll remember for next time. Strip.”

“You’re in a bossy mood.”

“I want to get what I want.”

“And what is that exactly?” Teri asked. Her hands were by her side, her legs slightly open. She wore a pair of jeans and a large shirt that hid those curves from his gaze. All he wanted to do was tear them right off her body. They were already in the way.