“Damon, no one wants me at this party.”

“I do. I’m the someone, and I’m the one who is the most important in your world.”

He knew he sounded like a child, but to be frank, he really didn’t give a fuck. Teri was coming with him to the party whether she liked it or not.

“Please, Teri, party with me.”

She smiled at him. “Well, seeing as you asked so nicely. I guess I can swing by.” She glanced down at herself. “I will need to get showered and changed.”

“Then you will do it at the clubhouse.”

“I need a change of clothes.”

“I’ve got something for you,” he said.

“You’ve been shopping for me?”

“Just a little something I saw and picked up.”

Teri chuckled and moved toward him, putting her hands back on his shoulders and kissing his lips. “Call it a date, but you have to go. You’re distracting me and I really need to finish up this lunch.”

He couldn’t resist a squeeze of her plump ass.

Soon, her body was going to be bigger, her stomach full with his kid, her tits larger. He wanted her so badly, but he kissed her lips and stepped away, giving her space.

Without a backward look, he left the diner and headed back toward the clubhouse, where several of the guys and a couple of the club whores were decorating.

“Why are they decorating?” he asked.

Pixie sat at the bar and shrugged. “Not a clue. I guess they’re going for a theme this year, do you think?”

“I have no idea, but I tell you, it looks … interesting.”

Damon didn’t know what the special occasion was for with the streamers and the balloons.

“Do you know what is going on with Anna and her kid?” Pixie asked.

“Richard is having a sit down with David’s lawyer. Last time I heard from them, Richard is trying to convince the two of them that it would be in their best interest to grant Anna full legal custody. They’ve got the texts and even the emails sent out to prove David gave up the right to his son.” He shrugged. “It’s a process, but until everything is in place, Richard has told Anna not to allow him the chance to be alone with Cole.”

“I can’t believe any guy wanting to give up the right to his kid,” Pixie said.

Dane entered the clubhouse, carrying several crates of beer.

“Speak of the devil,” Pixie said.

“Dane didn’t give up his kid,” Damon said.

“No, he just left them high and dry without a single explanation.”

Damon knew from experience Dane was a classic selfish, greedy bastard, but since he returned, he wasn’t the same man. For one, he actually liked him. The Dane from before was a hard man to even want to be in the company of. He’d been trouble with a capital T.

Running a hand down his face, he shook his head and glanced over at Pixie.

“What? I can feel the question right down inside my gut. Out with it.”

“I think Teri’s pregnant.”

The coffee Pixie had been drinking was spat out across the floor.

“Ew, gross, Pixie,” one of the club women said.

“I said yes, but with the promise I will keep an eye on him. Lucy said I’m being too soft on him.”

“Are you?” Damon asked.

“Yes and no. I’m giving him the space he needs to be a kid and to make all the necessary mistakes, but I’m also here, watching over him, you know.”

“He’s a good kid.”

“Yeah. I know the path he was heading. I don’t want him to make the same mistakes I did. If I can stop him before he makes them, it’s a job well done.” Dane ran a hand over his face.