“What about girls, Damon? Or boys? What if he gets his heart broken or he’s a heart breaker?”

“We’ll be there for him. Always. You and me.” He kissed his son by pressing his lips to her stomach.

Teri put her hand next to where his lips were. “He’s settling down.”

“That is because he knows not to get in his daddy’s way.” He kissed her stomach. “I’ll sing to you tonight if you let me fuck your mother.”

The women groaned, and Teri laughed. “You can’t say that kind of stuff to him. What if his first word is fuck?”

“Then we know we’ve got a fellow Dirty Fucker on our hands.”

Teri laughed again as he stood, pulling her into his arms. “How are you feeling?”


Her pregnancy had been healthy, but he was worried it could take a turn for the worse, so he was constantly checking on her.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” He pulled her in close and kissed her lips. “I’ll see you downstairs.”

“I’ll be there.”

He stepped out of the room and headed down to the main clubhouse. It had frozen over last night, so all the decorations had been moved into the main clubhouse.

Pixie sat with his wife and kid.

Kitty continued to organize everything.

The heavy scent of flowers clung to the air.

This was his wedding day.

James came toward him. “Are you sure you picked the right best man for this job?”

Dane stood at the make-do altar, talking with the priest.

“I am.”

“Teri and Dane have a history,” James said.

“God, not you too. Is this like a sickness between you and your wife?” he asked.

“That’s not funny.”

“Neither is questioning my decision. Dane is trying. He’s proving himself at the club, and you know it. He’s one of the best prospects.”

“Only because he knows what we like,” James said.

“Exactly. Maybe it’s time to cut the man some slack. He’s here. He’s not going anywhere.” Lucy, Lewis, and the kids were also invited. They sat on his side. He’d already seen Dane talking with them.

From what he could tell, the drama with Ryan had dissipated. Father and son were now on speaking terms, and everything was progressing nicely. While Dane built his house, he and Ryan had moved into the apartment with Anna and Cole. Teri now lived with Damon. It had been Kitty’s idea for them both to live in the apartment, seeing as he was club, and he needed a place to stay while he got to work building his house. So far, everything seemed to be moving fine.

He kept his word and hadn’t told anyone else about Dane’s history, apart from Teri. Damon had promised there would be no secrets between them, and there weren’t.

Stepping toward the altar, he joined Dane.

“Are you ready for this?”

“I’ve been ready for a long time.”


Teri was nervous.

“There’s no need for tears.” James held the jacket out and Teri stepped into it. “You’re club, Teri.”

She heard the round of applause and looked around.

“You’re family,” Cora said, wrapping an arm around her.

Teri looked toward her man. Damon stood at the altar, Dane by his side. He had told her everything and asked if he could have him as his best man. She knew this meant a lot to him, and she had no feelings for Dane.

Her love was all for Damon. It always would be.