Page 18 of 1109 Cowboy Way

We walk toward the dance floor. There’s a few couples already dancing, and we just slide to the empty spot in the corner. Thank goodness the band is starting off slow. My hands are on her waist, hers are resting on my shoulders, and all I can do is look down into her big, beautiful eyes. I’m about to break it all down for her. Tell her that somehow, I’ve done the one thing I told myself I’d never do. I fell in love with her. In the past, there’s no way I’d even be remotely open to what I’m feeling, but Hadley’s vulnerability, strength, and determination of running her ranch and just her being her has broken down every barrier I have. It’s like now, I can’t imagine a future without her in it.

She pats me on the chest. “What are you thinking about?”

I bring one hand from her waist and wrap it around her hand on my chest. I hold it there, her palm over my heart. “Nothing.”

She frowns. “It doesn’t look like nothing. You looked pretty intense there for a minute.”

I smile at her and lean down to kiss her. I make it quick because Hadley has the power to turn me into a sex fiend in a second flat. “We can talk about it when we get home.”

Her tongue comes out and sweeps across her lower lip. “Home… yeah. Let’s talk about it when we get home.”

Fuck, she’s my home. Wherever she is… that’s my home. I last through two dances, and I know I need to put some distance between us. She’s too tempting. I take her back to the table and excuse myself to the men’s room.

I make it back outside to our table just as a cowboy walks up to her. He sits in my chair and is leaning over talking to her. My first instinct is to give him the boot. I’m territorial anyway, but with Hadley I can see it’s way worse. I don’t even want another man looking at her, let alone talking to her.

I clench my fists and walk toward them, stopping just a few feet away. I hear the man tell her she’s beautiful, and Hadley’s hand instinctively goes to her scar that is covered by makeup. Fuck. I’m about to do probably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

“Dance with me,” the cowboy says.

She’s already shaking her head, so I intervene. “You should dance with him, Hadley.”

She startles, not realizing I am right next to the table. She frowns, and her forehead dips. I try to wipe the anger off my face. I’m not angry at her, and I know she needs this. She needs to know that she’s a beautiful woman. I can’t ruin this for her. “Really, go ahead.”

She’s speechless and gets up from the table. The cowboy is smiling ear to ear, as if the son of a bitch just won the fuckin’ lottery. It takes everything I have not to punch him in the throat. I cross my arms over my chest and watch them as they walk onto the dance floor.

My eyes are glued to Hadley. I wish she would look at me, give me a signal that she’s had enough and is ready for me to cut in, but it’s like she’s doing whatever she has to do to keep from looking in my direction. The only saving grace is that it's a fast song. It’s more of a line dance, and they all seem to be doing the same dance. That lets me breathe easier. Hadley is smiling, but it’s not the smile that she’s given me.

I stand at the edge of the dance floor, just daring the cowboy to make the wrong move. The song ends, and Hadley seems to thank him. The music starts again, and it’s a slow one. My heart plummets when the cowboy pulls Hadley in and wraps his arms around her. I can’t do it. I fuckin’ can’t do it. I’m about to barge onto the dance floor and make a scene when Hadley pulls from the guy’s arms. She says something, and thankfully, the cowboy lets her go. She walks toward me, never making eye contact. As a matter of fact, she only slows down when she gets next to me enough to say, “I’m ready to go home.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. Me too. Fuck yeah, I’m ready to get out of here.

I follow her out, tossing bills onto the table.

She’s already in the truck when I get in. I’m pissed, but I know I shouldn’t be. It’s my own fault, and I need to calm down. We pull into her driveway when I realize she hadn’t said a word. “You okay?” I ask her.

She has her hands on the door handle and as soon as I put it in park she says, “Yeah,” and she’s out the door.

I get out and come around, following her. “What’s wrong? Did that guy say something to you?”

She’s walking at a mad pace. “What do you care?”

I jog to catch up and stop in front of her. “I care a lot. If he said something to upset you then tell me, and I’ll take care of it.”

She won’t look at me. She’s staring at my chest instead. “He didn’t upset me.”

A sick feeling comes over me. Has she changed her mind about us? Instinctively I tighten my hold on her. “Tell me what’s going on, Hadley.”

She lifts her eyes to mine. “There’s absolutely nothing going on, Grayson.”


She shrugs. “It’s your name, isn’t it?”

“Gray. You call me Gray. Are you mad at me about something?”

She crosses her arms over her chest. Yes she’s mad. She’s pissed, actually. “I don’t know, Grayson, should I be mad?”

I start to panic. This isn’t like her, and I don’t like the calmness that she’s talking to me with. “I don’t like games, Hadley. Just tell me.”