Page 20 of 1109 Cowboy Way

I move my arms off his chest and wrap them around his neck. I almost feel like I’m floating. “So you still want me?” I ask, and I can hear the vulnerability in my voice. I know there is no turning back after this.

Gray picks me up and carries me through the door, kicking it behind him, and walks through the house with purpose toward my room. “Hell yes, I want you. Right now and tomorrow… and the day after that. I want you for however long you’ll have me.”

“Be careful what you offer, cowboy. I’m a forever kind of girl.” My hands cup his face, and he smiles down at me.

“Good. Because that's exactly what I want.”



14 Years Later

I’m standing on the sidelines once again. Watching her. My hands itchin’ till I can get her back in my arms. She’s dancing with another cowboy.

You’d think I’d be okay with it after making her mine fourteen years ago. That this kind of thing wouldn’t bother me. But it does.

She’s smiling, happy and laughing. She’s having the time of her life.

The cowboy with his arms around her is blushing, and it’s obvious he’s nervous.

I don’t understand it. He’s obviously got the prettiest woman in Cherry Falls in his arms.

I cross my arms over my chest. Don’t ruin this for her, Grayson.

When the cowboy missteps and stomps on her toes, she just laughs it off as he turns about three shades brighter than a beet. She’s used to having her feet stepped on. I’ve done it enough over the years.

Hadley’s gracious about it, though. She just laughs and smiles. Makes it no big deal.

To this day, even fourteen years later, it’s hard for me to have any distance from Hadley. I always want to be near her, and if we’re in the same room, I want her in my arms. My body yearns for it.

The song is about a chorus shy of ending, and I put my hat on the top of my head. I’m not a patient man, and she knows this. She’s used to me by now. Plus, I figure I’ve given them enough time; it’s my turn.

I walk across the dance floor and do my best to ignore the other men watching my woman. When I get next to her, I grunt with more force than I probably should.

“May I cut in?”

Her dance partner nods his head really quick. “You sure can, Dad.” He can’t get away fast enough. I catch him before he gets too far away, though. “Keep an eye on your sister for me, son.”

He nods and has that glint in his eye. It’s the protective glint the men in the Doss family have when it comes to keeping the females in our family safe. Protected. I know he’s not going to let anyone mess with his sister.

When I take Hadley in my arms, she shrugs. “Well, it was nice while it lasted.”

“Yeah,” I mutter.

She raises her eyebrows at my brisk tone and laughs. “I learned my lesson years ago that you can’t handle me dancing with someone else, but I thought our son would be okay.”

I shake my head and nuzzle her neck. “It’s not that.”

She pulls back and smiles up at me. “What is it then?”

I roll my eyes. “Where do I start? Look over my right shoulder, and I’m pretty sure the new hand from Cherry Blossom Ranch is looking your way.” I pause and let her do as I ask. She looks, and her eyes widen. “Okay, now look over my left shoulder. Pretty sure that guy works up at Wild Ridge, and he’s looking at you, trying to figure out if you’re taken or not.”

She looks over my left shoulder and starts to laugh.

I pull her in tighter. “Really? You think it’s funny that no matter where we go, there are men vying for your attention?”

She shakes her head and purses her lips. “Yeah, but they aren’t going to get it.”