Page 4 of 1109 Cowboy Way

“I’ve been managing.”

“Managing,” she repeats, shaking her head and resting her hands at her waist before pointing at me. “You’re dead on your feet. Those dark circles under your eyes tell me you aren’t sleepin’ enough, and every time you come in here, you're thinner than the last.” That makes me snort and laugh.

“I’m hardly withering away, Rosie.” I am definitely curvy.

“You need help,” she repeats, and I want to roll my eyes.

“I wouldn't even know how to hire someone.” I regret the words the moment they slip out, and she looks like she’s about to jump up with glee.

“I could help!” Of course she would offer. She really is too nice.

“Look, Rosie,” I sigh, stroking my hair, playing with the ends. I’m not that great with people. I open and close my mouth. God! I probably look like a fish out of water. I sure as heck feel like I am drowning.

“I’m not that great with strangers.” My voice cracks, and my eyes drop to the counter.

I rest my hands over the shiny wood. I watched as her hands gently cover mine. She has no clue whatsoever how much her small gesture means. How much strength she gives me in this moment.

Rosie is an amazing woman with a huge heart. If I’d met her before I am sure we would have been great friends. But the paths of our lives would have never crossed before my accident.

Always find the good. Even after a storm we get rainbows. My mom's words play in the back of my head, and I blink away the unshed tears.

“Now I know you’re gonna think I’m being nosy as heck, and that’s all right,” Rosie starts off, and I brace. “But sweetheart, you didn’t move to a huge metropolitan area. You moved to Cherry Falls. And whether you know it or not or even like it, we help each other out here.”

“Rosie.” I groan, still not daring to look up at her.

“You need to hire a cowboy.” She lays it out again, and I bite the inside of my cheek.

Not because I want to argue, but because I know she’s right.



Rosie and Hadley didn’t hear me walk in.

I’m standing by the front door and being as still and quiet as possible so as not to draw attention to myself. I can feel myself calm a little bit, knowing that Rosie is on Hadley’s side too. She needs all the friends she can get. We all do.

From where I’m standing, I can hear exactly what they’re talking about, and I have to hold back from pumping my fist in the air and saying hell yeah because what Rosie is saying is true. Hadley needs help… and I’m going to be the one to give it to her.

I wait for an opening, and as soon as I hear Rosie say, “You need to hire a cowboy” I know that’s my cue. There’s no way I’m letting this opportunity slip me by.

I walk up behind Hadley but make sure to keep my distance. Without getting too close, I stomp my boots across the wood floor to make sure they know I’m here. “Did I hear you say you might be hiring?”

Hadley doesn’t even look up at me, but her voice is loud and clear. “No, I’m not hiring.”

Rosie looks at me over Hadley’s shoulder and smiles. “Hey, Grayson!” Her eyes light up when she looks between Hadley and me. “I thought you were moving on.”

I shake my head and take two steps to the left to be beside Hadley instead of behind her. I’m taller than her, and I'm looking down at the top of her head as if I’m willing her to look at me. Her hat is still pulled low on her face so all I can see is her hunched shoulders and the brown hair hanging out from under the cap.

When she doesn’t look at me, I answer Rosie but still keep my eyes adjusted on the smaller woman next to me. “I finished up at Cherry Blossom, and I’m thinking of sticking around a little longer. I’m looking for work.”

Hadley doesn’t even acknowledge me, but Rosie takes the bait. “Hadley, this is Grayson Doss. He’s been working out at the Cherry Blossom Ranch. He comes in here all the time. He’s done wonders for their ranch, and I know he could help you at yours.” Rosie looks at me as if urging me on. “Grayson, this is Hadley Fletcher.”

Finally, Hadley lifts her head. It takes a few seconds longer for her lashes to raise and for her to meet my gaze. As soon as our eyes connect, I feel like I’ve been sucker punched. From far away, it’s obvious how absolutely beautiful she is. Up close, she’s amazing. I search her eyes, wishing she wasn’t looking at me with her guard up. I want to draw her in and wrap my arms around her, protect her from the ugly world, but I know I can’t. Instead, I keep my gaze on her eyes and keep my smile friendly and bend my knees a little to appear a little less intimidating. “Hi. I’m Grayson.” I put my hand out, hold my breath, and wait.

I know almost instantly I made a mistake. I put my hand in my pocket and smile wider, acting as if nothing happened. “I’ve driven by your ranch a few times. It’s something else.”

She nods. Her head is turned to the side a little, and I know she’s trying to hide the scars on the right side of her face. She doesn’t know that I’ve seen them before in my perusal of her in the past. Every time I’ve seen her at Rosie’s, I’ve gotten closer. Not that she would know. The one time I saw her eyes, she lowered them almost immediately and bolted out the door. But that one time was enough. I swear I have everything about her almost committed to memory. She starts to say something, stops, clears her throat, and tries again. “I’m not hiring. I can’t afford to hire help.”