Page 10 of Princes & Wolves

Chapter Three

Apollo hadn’t left my side all night. I knew he was making up for the other night when I’d walked out in him. Our interactions had been stilted since then. This might be our world and there might be little I could do about the killing and the kidnapping, but I wasn’t going to let him treat me like a… Well, a woman.

My interactions with Valen had been fairly non-existent since he’d posted up outside our door and I’d left him there to bitch to Florence about stupid boys. By the time Florence stuck her head out the next morning, he was gone, and there was no way of telling how long he’d been there or what he’d heard us talk about.

I found I didn’t much care if he’d heard it all. My annoyance. My sexual frustration. My wishing life was easier so Valen could keep rocking my world. My wishing life were easier so Apollo would just do it instead. My missing Valen and feeling conflicted about Apollo, but excited about Apollo and thankful Valen and I were over.

In fact, he probably had heard it all, decided I was completely insane and good fucking riddance, and that was why he wasn’t coming anywhere near me as he drained that bottle of whiskey across the bonfire that Friday night.

But, with Apollo’s hand constantly on me, his attention directed squarely at me, I hadn’t had much time to feel Valen’s eyes not leaving me. Even Florence was impressed with Apollo, although she was currently off somewhere with Marco.

Apollo had won significant points in Florence’s scoreboard when he’d not just ignored but refused three separate Magdalens’ attempts to get their hands on his cock. And one of them had even started unzipping his trousers, even with his arm around my shoulder. She’d given me a look that I’m surprised didn’t kill but, by God’s side, I felt invincible and decided that worrying about Magdalens’ wrath would be a problem for future Harlow.

At some point in the night, a wild howling and hooting came from the woods. The opposite direction to the school. It wasn’t the drunken, playful howling of Marco looking for Valen. It was the kind that made goosebumps prickle on your skin and had fear shooting down your spine.

As my hand tightened on Apollo’s arm, I looked around for Valen. I couldn’t help it. Fear pierced me and Apollo was by my side; I needed to know where Valen was. I wasn’t sure if I was worried about his safety or knew he’d do anything to secure mine. I hoped the latter, because my eyes didn’t search for Florence until I’d seen Valen was on high alert and ready for whatever was coming.

Florence was safe with Marco, but he was locked in a silent exchange across the bonfire with Apollo, Valen, Fender and Gage.

The rest of the party was paused like they were trying to decide if this was a joke that the Saints had organised, of if it was serious.

Another set of howls and hoots, closer this time.

A very definite voice echoed towards us; “I’m coming for blood, Callahan!” and the sound of a gunshot.

My hand tightened even more on Apollo’s arm as his grip on me did likewise. Valen was running to us before the echo had finished ringing out through the trees.

There was a second of confusion, like people were still wondering if it was a joke, before suddenly the whole party broke into movement. Kids were running in all directions. Some were all for themselves. Some were looking for friends or lovers before they took off. But all of them were running back to the safety of the dorms.

Someone hit us and I was pulled out of Apollo’s grasp. I saw him reaching for me, then strong arms were around me and Valen’s body was positioned between me and the direction the noise was coming from.

“Happy now?” Valen growled at Apollo from over my head, and there was no sign of how much he’d been drinking.

Apollo’s smirk was carefree, but his eyes were hard. “I’m fucking God, Valk. I just need to remind these fuckers.”

Valen snarled at him like the wolf Apollo treated him. “Great, how are you going to do that?” he asked as Marco dragged Florence over to us.

She caught my eye, and we exchanged a silent panic. Her hand found mine and Valen finally let me go as I gravitated to Florence’s arms. We hugged each other tightly as Fender and Gage arrived, and the Saints discussed their battle plan. With every howl or hoot or gunshot from the woods – each closer than the last – Florence and I both jumped.

“I can manage with Marco and the boys,” Apollo was telling Valen.

Valen’s eyebrow rose in the flickering bonfire light. “I’m the best fighter you have.”

Apollo nodded. “Exactly. So, I need you with the girls. We need as many of us here as possible, and you’re the only one who can protect the girls alone.”

“I’m not going to take offence to that,” Marco said, pouting and Florence whacked him.

“Any one of us can look after the girls if any of them get through,” Gage said. “Let me take them. You’ll miss me less here.”

Apollo almost looked swayed, but he shook his head. “No. I’m not risking Harlow’s safety–”

“Gee, thanks,” Florence said, unable to stop herself from sassing Apollo, regardless of what was happening around us.

Apollo grinned at her, his eyes still cold and calculating. “Stay with Harlow, where you belong, and you’ll benefit.”

The noise was getting too close for comfort.

All the guys looked in that direction.

E.J. Knox's Novels