Page 106 of Princes & Wolves

Valen narrowed his eyes at me. “Come,” he commanded, and my feet went to him willing. “Do not wait up, Miss Walton,” he told her with a wink before pulling me out of the room.

We slipped out of the girl’s dorm and Valen took me to the main building. The Callahan building where we had most of our lessons. He wrapped me in his arms and kissed me as he pulled something out of his pocket. It was a keycard and he used it to unlock the doors.

“Who did you beat up to get that?” I asked him.

He grinned at me, all cheeky cockiness. “We’ve got our whole lives, princess. I’m not giving up all my secrets just yet.”

I smirked as he pressed another quick kiss to my lips before pulling me inside and pushing the door locked behind us. I said nothing as he took my hand and dragged me up two flights of stairs and then halfway along the corridor.

“Valen, what are you doing?” I asked as he pulled me into a classroom.

“Doing what I should have done nearly four years ago,” he said, his voice low and husky.

He propped me on the teacher’s desk and kissed me hard as his fingers slid in my panties. It was only then that I registered whose classroom we were in.

“You going to bend me over Mr Galikani’s desk and make me yours?” I teased.

“You fucking know I am.”

The prince had forfeited his princess, but the big, bad wolf had his goddess. I knew, now he had me, he would never let me go. Valen Kincaid would do whatever it took to stay mine. I just had to hope that I’d be worth the shitstorm that was coming next.

THE END…for now.

Read on for the epilogues.

Epilogue 1: Valen

I was the first Angel to rebel against his God in the whole sordid history of Saint Benedicts. Morningstar, they called me now. Those who knew. And that list was disconcertingly growing.

No longer God’s tame wolf, but a leader in my own right. Only my future was a tad less grim than my namesake. Instead of being banished to rule the underworld, I was instead going to serve as consort to the new queen, to a Goddess. Not even consort. Yet.



All words more commonly reserved for a woman in my position. Funny how men were always free to fuck about, and women were not.

The Goddess was mine, but we still had a long way to go before the world – our world – could know she owned my heart.

For now, negotiations had stalled due to the Kincaids gearing up for another war. This one for Archer Callahan against Vinnie Rossano. At least this one paid in money and power if – when – we won. And both would help when we openly turned that war on Archer Callahan.

My father looked at me over the table where we were nutting out our most recent battle plans. He was the only Kincaid to know negotiations had opened between the Kincaids and Vanguards for a marriage alliance. And all he’d done is agree to negotiate. Then Archer Callahan had opened his coffers and called for the Kincaids to fight his battles for him.

“The train is due in at ten,” Neo was saying. “Our man inside says it’ll be under heavy guard.”

“How heavy is heavy?” Da asked.

Neo shrugged. “Twenty-odd.”

Da scoffed. “Pfft. Twenty Rossanos? Five Kincaids can get the job done.”

Neo shared a look with me that suggested he was less optimistic. He didn’t dare mention that to Chief Kincaid. “They’ve got armoured–”

The door crashed open, and we all turned, weapons drawn. Suddenly, I was staring face to face with a female version of…me. Right down to the grey eyes and nearly black hair. Her bone structure was the same. She could only have been a couple of years older than me.

“What the fuck?” I muttered.

She looked around the room, clearly unimpressed with the men she saw in there. I had never seen a woman look so brazenly unafraid of any Kincaid man, let alone a room full of them. Not since my da’s mother, and she still threatened to make me piss myself.

E.J. Knox's Novels